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Dominic Disla

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    Los Angeles
  1. Would I get a better resolution by shooting in 4:3 and then scaling to 16:9 in post or should I just shoot in native 16:9?
  2. Does height need to be taken into account or only width?
  3. I just got a Panasonic Gh3 and I want to buy a wide angle lens that has the same field of view of a 18mm on a 35mm film camera using the 1.37 or 1.85 ratio. 1.37= 22mm x 16mm 1.85= 21.95mm x 18.6mm Gh3 sensor= 17.3mm x 13mm 22/17.3=1.27 18/1.27=14.17mm? Are these figures right? What focal length should I be looking for?
  4. I going for a look similar to Like Crazy. How would the ac have kept up with the dp for these short tracking shots? It looked like the dp for The Shining didn't ever use an ac but rather pulled focus himself.
  5. It will most likely be shot with a shoulder rig. Would the ac pull focus by eyesight or should he be looking into the monitor? Would a cinetape be necessary? I am directing a short. We are still figuring out a budget. I would like to use a 24mm for the whole film.
  6. The scene is located at a beach where the main characters are walking around and talking to strangers. I think that cinema lenses would definitely be the better choice. Could the cam op pull focus himself for this scene?...it would probably be better to be on the safe side and pay more for a wireless follow focus. What lenses would be good for this type of shooting? Cooke S4s or maybe even Zeiss Super Speeds?
  7. Are still lenses really that hard to pull focus? How much more difficult would it be to pull focus with a Canon 24mm f/1.4 L on a 7D than with a Cooke S4 25mm T2.0 on a 7D-PL mount? If I were using a 24mm lens and an aperture of f/8, would I still need a follow focus for a handheld scene? I saw somewhere that the DP for Black Swan shot the subway scenes by himself on a 7D with a still lense. Is there any possible setup where the focus would not need to be adjusted during a handheld scene?
  8. Since there is so much improvisation in the film, how much leeway is he getting with the focus? I'd imagine it would be more difficult than shooting on a tripod. What would they do to make shots like this easier to film so that there is little to none focus pulling?
  9. BTS photo of Knight of Cups. It was shot on film and mostly handheld. How are they pulling focus? http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-xN5CiZfVg_A/T9tVKVvHVfI/AAAAAAAAJiU/5v9zVhahuis/s1600/cate-blanchett-and-christian-bale-on-set-knight-of-cups.jpg
  10. Is there such a thing? If so, how does the quality compare to a Canon 7D that has been permanently changed to allow PL lenses?
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