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Jesse Haycraft

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    Los Angeles
  1. It just seems to me that bad registration would cause jumping and weaving of the image, not double exposure? I'm really hoping it's the labs problem because if it's my fault it can't be fixed :unsure:
  2. We had three mags and I'm pretty sure we never used this mag again. I'll double check. The camera sounded the same to me while shooting the mag and roll in question. I will do all these things, thanks!
  3. Project background: short film shot on 7219 with an SR3. Just got back our 2k DPX from the lab. One of the rolls has double images in every frame, like ghosting. There's a primary image and then a half-opacity secondary image that appears identical but slightly above the primary image. Similar to ghosting from a filter but there were no filters used on this roll. There were multiple lenses used on the roll and the problem is consistent between the lenses. The same lenses were used on other rolls that do not exhibit this problem. The roll in question was almost entirely shot wide open on Ultra Primes. This roll was our only roll shot exterior and was pushed two stops. The lab says it's in the negative. What could I (or my AC) have done wrong to cause this? I can't think of anything. Is there anything that can be done? I attached an example from our slate.
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