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Chris Van Horn

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Everything posted by Chris Van Horn

  1. I recently shot a short film in 4K and I'm looking to create a 16mm print to project it. Hoping to add some slight dimension and grain to it by putting it on film and I'm curious how it will look as the print shows wear over time. Has anyone done anything similar? Curious about the workflow in terms of development. Would I have to have a someone scan it to a negative and then make a positive out of that to project? I saw Cinelab ( https://www.cinelab.com/#/maritime/) offers this service but couldn't tell if they just somehow print it directly from Digital onto the positive (assuming that's possible) or add that intermediary step of creating a negative?
  2. Wow guys, all of these replies have been SUPER helpful. I'll keep you all updated on the process and what I end up with.
  3. Thanks so much for the responses guys! Is there any stock still made today that produces a similar look to the Ektachrome EF 7242 (125T)? Or is there anywhere to purchase old rolls that were properly stored of any of those stocks listed above? (other than ebay) Thanks again, this has all been SUPER helpful!
  4. Yes, I'm sorry, what I meant was ambient light (anything you might find in a kitchen and living room - lamps, skylights, etc).
  5. Are there any good examples online of Kodak 7219 (500T) footage of night interior shots using natural light?
  6. Sure, if you click the title and it doesn't open a new window, try copying and pasting this: https://vimeo.com/2601707
  7. Hi, I'm looking to shoot my first 16mm short with a Bolex H-16. Going for a cinema-verite/60's avantgarde feel in terms of low light/natural light. Nearly all of the shots will be interior at night. Going for a look very similar to the scene below from 1:40 to 2:07 Curious to see if anyone can narrow down what film stock was used for this (or what similar stocks made today could work in a similar way)?? Also any idea what f.stop he was shooting at in said scene would be helpful as well! Thanks!
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