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Lena Krause

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Everything posted by Lena Krause

  1. thanks a million for helping me! i'm asking because i am writing a bachelor thesis about anamorphic lenses. so for the quality of the thesis, i'm trying to find the most accurate answer.... not for using it on set to find out about the exact depth of field. so i assume there is no specific formular written down for calculating the depth of field for anamorphic lenses, so in conclusion you just have to guess and assume?
  2. thanks for answering! but being basically the same means to me that it is not the same actually.... so there is in fact a difference, even though it is probably not noticeable and not of interest for most people.... but thats my question: what exactly is the difference? and how does is occur ? so far it was impossible for me to find any info on that.
  3. Hey! I was trying to find out about how to calculate the depth of field in anamorphic lenses and i read several times that its the same formular for spherical and anamorphic lenses ... Do you really use the same Formular to find out about the actual depth of field in anamorphic lenses? I always thought depth of field depends on the Front Nodal Point in the Lens itself. So since anamorphic lenses are made of two different focal lengths, aren’t there two different Nodalpoints ? Maybe it does not make sense at all and my thoughts are heading in the wrong direction. Can anyone help ? thanks a lot, I'm confused!
  4. Hello, I study Cinematography at the DHB in Berlin and I’m currently writing my Bachelor Thesis about Anamorphic Lenses. I’m focusing on the special Look which they create and it’s effect on fictional films, in particular the film „Ex Machina“, which is an example for shooting with anamorphic lenses on a digital Camera in my Bachelor Thesis. I was wondering if you could answer a couple of questions due to the fact that there is not a lot of quality literature available. There is an attached questionnaire. It would be really helpful if you could answer me these questions, in order to get the most accurate information about anamorphic lenses to write my Thesis. I'm looking for people with experience in working with anamorphic lenses, not necessarily manufacturers (even though this would be pretty good) There are two Questionnaires attached, one for users and one for manufactioners (just in case...) It would be a huge help to get some more information for my Thesis! Thanks a lot in advance and let me know if you have any questions. Fragebogen Anamorphoten_USERAnwender.pdf Fragebogen Anamorphoten_MANUFACTURERSHersteller.pdf
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