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Shane McGee

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Everything posted by Shane McGee

  1. Thanks Tim. The difficultly and complexity is definitely not lost on me. This is why I'm absolutely fascinated with it! There seems to be surprisingly little info out there for this type of thing too, as far as behind the scenes explanations of lighting and examples of the results, etc.
  2. Yeah, good call on that. I wonder if that glass edge reflection is put back in somehow as well? Also, I'm curious how they do the black shots of seemingly the same white shots...?
  3. Thanks David. How big of a light source would you start out with for something like this...with this amount of softness? Maybe Diva Lite through a 4x4, 6x6, etc...shower curtain? :-)
  4. Hi, I was curious if anyone has any guesses on how exactly they achieve this seemingly simple overhead camera shot, as far as lighting...especially on a white table top like this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgmhi0Vi9oo Is it just one large source from the upper left? Is that light higher up (vertically) or around table level or...? Is there likely a fill light from bottom right, or just some bounce to fill in? Is it likely lit over the top as well? Its just pretty even looking... Anyways, just curious if anyone has achieved this look before, or has any thoughts on how best to do it? (Obviously while still allowing room for the camera rigged from above...and also the hands entering the frame from different angles, etc.) Thanks for your thoughts.
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