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Daniel Michel

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  1. After Effects is not supported by 32 bit OS :l Since I'm running low on time, I'm thinking I'll just go ahead and capture with WinDV, then edit with Elements. I've done some test footage and it looks smooth to me...
  2. Thank you for the responses thus far! (Is there a way to edit my original post?)
  3. I realize these questions would be perfect for the DVXuser community, however I can't seem to activate my account there and I'm tired of waiting to hear back from the mods. Anyway... I have an AG-DVX100b and would like to shoot in 24p. I have read that it is ideal to shoot in 24pA and then capture at FPS 29.97 to prevent dropped frames. However, the source was a guide for editing with FinalCut Pro, and I am considering using WinDV to capture the video, and then editing with the 32 bit version of Adobe Elements (which no longer has a video capture feature). The configuration settings on WinDV are very simple, but the website states that one of the programs features are, "no dropped frames - memory buffering." I'm not exceedingly concerned with mega high quality footage (as you can deduce from the camera I'm using), but I'd still like my video to look as clean as possible. If anyone has experience with any of these programs/camera, I'd like to know if it's "safe" to shoot in 24pA, capture with WinDV, and then import to Elements (before I invest $100 for the Elements license). Are there particular settings I need to attend to? Is WinDV's "no dropped frames" claim a sure thing? Or are there better programs (must be 32 bit) that would make easier editing this camera's footage?
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