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Everything posted by Naimah

  1. Assign a KELVIN TEMPERATURE to the following light sources: --an Arri 300w unit ................... --noon daylight .................. --moonlight .................... --candle light ................. --a Mole-Richardson 2k unit................. 2.What would be the color temperatures of the following KinoFlo bulb configurations? 1. |||| all daylight bulbs .................... 2. |||| all tungsten bulbs .................... 3. || + || 2 daylight bulbs, 2 tungsten bulbs ...................... 4. | + ||| 1 daylight bulb, 3 tungsten bulbs .......................... 5 ||| + | 3 daylight bulbs, 1 tungsten bulb ..........................
  2. 1)Which grip tool would you use to create a “top chop?” 2)Which grip tool would you use to reduce the left side of the beam from a fresnel light by 1 stop?
  3. 1) " front element, rear element and iris are parts of what filmmaking tool? 2) why is ZEBRA a useful tool in digital cinema? 3)what 3 things happen when we switch the scarlet from 4KHD to 2KHD? 4) DAY EXT using the Scarlet: Your stop is f/11 at ISO 320, but you would prefer to shoot at f/2. How would you make this happen without changing the shutter speed? NIGHT INT using the SR: You create a WEDGE for your KEY light using a Silk, Bounce Board, and a 300w light. The meter reads “f/2.5” but the widest aperture on the Zeiss 10:1 is f/3.2. How do we fix the problem?
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