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Camelia Celeste

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Everything posted by Camelia Celeste

  1. I have not sent it out to process yet. The film isn't being exposed by the camera. I made a mark on one of the frames and it doesn't move so there's something wrong with the mechanism of the cartridge slot. So I need a good full repair of the camera itself, it seems.
  2. Nevermind. The camera didn't even develop the cartridge *sigh* waste of money. And now I get a zero in my project.
  3. Hi everyone, first post here. Glad to be in a forum like this. I have a project due in a few days (Super 8 B&W reversal roll 200T) and my camera (Nikon Super Zoom 8) isn't showing what the automatic exposure is. I'm sure it works, it's just the dial isn't moving in any direction when I check for the exposure (it's stationary between stop 2 and 4). ​I really need to do this project, but it really is too late to rent a camera tomorrow. What do I do? Can I ballpark the exposure? More or less what would the exposure be (outdoors) from bright light to under the shade of a tree to dusk? Just need at least something to show up.
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