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Casey Joe Bradley

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Everything posted by Casey Joe Bradley

  1. Thank you Michael you have been very helpful - i will definitely check up his lighting techniques. What a great cinematographer!
  2. Thank you David, superb response. Really appreciate your help. Totally understand. Are anamorphic lenses easily obtained for EF?
  3. Hi David, thank you very much for your reply, i really appreciate it! Its a 5d Mkiii so Full Frame sensor. Because of the change in formats over the years, i'm trying to research the best lens to use to try and emulate these looks. Solaris looks much wider (with anamorphic) and In the Mood for love looks like a lot of 50mm, with tighter frames but i maybe wrong... To replicate the anamorphic look of Solaris would you say use a 35mm and create a letterbox in post? Sorry i'm a bit of a newbie. I know that Ozu and Hitchcock were famous for using the 50mm lens but on super35mm not on a full frame sensor, so is that still 50mm for me to replicate or more like 85mm? Many thanks in advance.
  4. Hi Guys, I'm fairly new in cinematography and have my first budget short film to make in January. The director has asked me he would like it shot looking a bit like Christopher Doyle in 'In The Mood For Love' and Tarkovsky's Solaris. I'm going to buy an expensive prime lens and am struggling to see anywhere online which lenses seem to match these films. If anyone could help that would be great! here's links to the films: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qqdeSIm0I8 Many Thanks! Casey
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