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Dawna Sirard

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Posts posted by Dawna Sirard

  1. Hi Adam,


    I'd like to thank you for sharing the shoot images - I appreciate that you took the time to locate and post them. They are so helpful.


    One more questions - if you don't mind - just curious what camera/lens you shot with. I did a practice run yesterday using my Canon 18-55mm and did not like the results. However, it was all I had. For the shoot, I'd like to rent an anamorphic lens.



  2. Hi Adam,


    Thanks for sharing the video - it's very close to the look I'm going for!


    A few differences - it won't be raining (i hope) and I need to show a car parked outside the window. There is also some very nice old-style metal window blinds that I hope to make use of as well. I was thinking of using a AAdynTech JAB Dalylight LED to simulate the street light.


    Much like your location, there is an existing (small) light outside and above each window so I could get away with daylight tubes. I was just watching a video on the Limelight LED tubes - maybe they would work.


    A few questions - and forgive me, I'm still learning - for the over the shoulder shots, were the softer sources outside the window as well?


    For the three quarter back, did you use a softbox or diffusion?


    And I LOVE the christmas light idea. I was trying to figure out how to suggest street lights and this is a great idea!



  3. JD - the diner sits in the middle of what i would call a mixed use, industrial area - not much light there at night. Never thought about checking the moon phases but at your suggestion I found there will be no moon on the night of the shoot. Makes me worried that the complete darkness will present a problem with reflection of crew in windows.





  4. Hi Phil,


    Yes, that's the place. I scouted it yesterday and it does sit at the intersection of several roads. I'd love to know what you're thinking about the angle for light/blocking. And just to entice you to visit Worcester, the city is full of interesting places like this - diners, old factories and mills, etc.

  5. Satsuki,


    Thank you for taking the time to write such an amazing response! However, I should have mentioned that I'm shooting this single scene for a cinematography class - so I have a limited budget. That being said, I think of this as a great learning opportunity and would like to experiment as much as possible.


    Yes - the diner is supposed to be open. Sorry to be confusing.


    I'm definitely going for a look similar to the diner scene in Drive. Key through the window with a bit of a sickly green ambiance inside.


    I'm not sure I'll be able to be selective in the overheads but I bet I can manipulate the intensity. Do you think the red and yellow ceiling will be a problem?

  6. Hi Satsuki,


    Thank you for responding. It is a fantastic location and yes - I'm thinking dark and moody. Ironically, I chose the Edward Hopper painting, 'Nighthawks' as inspiration- love the composition and high contrast of all his work.


    The shoot will take place after hours - at night - so I won't have many exterior options - and the two feet of snow on the ground might be an additional limitation.


    Any thoughts on lighting at night?



  7. Hello,


    I'm a new member and film student. I have a shoot coming up and could use some advice on how to light the space. See attachments.


    I'm shooting a night scene in a 1950's style diner - row of booths up against large windows. There will be two characters sitting opposite one another in a booth and several extras sitting in the surrounding booths.


    This will be an emotionally intense scene with hard light coming from a exterior street light (key).


    The interior of the diner is lit from above - recessed fluorescents. My thought is to turn them off and light the space enough to show the other customers in the background. However, I want the rest of the diner to be more dimly lit - so that the emphasis is on the two characters lit by the key.


    I'm thinking of bouncing off the key to illuminate the unlit side of the actor's faces. Not sure if that's the best idea but I want some fill.


    My biggest issue/question is how to light the rest of the diner. It's a small space with a lot of windows.


    I'd appreciate any suggestions.


    Thank you,







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