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John Kelver

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  1. Thank you for your suggestions. I have just two questions: 1: I'm planning to rehearse a lot with the actors before shooting with the film camera. If I do this thoroughly, would this perhaps enable me to focus more on the technical details at set? 2: Do you know how long it takes for a film lab to transfer a 10-20 min film take to digitally? Thanks again! :)
  2. I know it is going to be hard, but there are great starting directors from the past who managed without it. And I have a very distinct style of lighting and shadowing, that I want to achieve, and I'm determined to do most of what I can on my own, and only will hire people who will perhaps hold up the light etc. But I have thought about those things you have said for 3 years now, and have everything planned. It is mostly the camera situations for an example, the thing with the AC, who adjusts the camera lens or 'pulling focus' to follow the action on set, which I need help on learning. Is this a hard matter, or can this be done by the director himslelf? And if not, why would it occur problems that would prevent me from doing it?
  3. Why would I get uneven results? Could you please explain how I could prevent this, or please mention some sites where I can read, so that I hopefully can prevent it. However, I am pretty sure that I will accomplish my visual style, because I want to make long takes with no stop (5-10 min), then I want the actors to have very specific position relative to the camera. But I can agree that the technical style will perhaps prevent it a bit.
  4. Hello, I'm planning to create my first feautre film, but the problem is that I have never shoot with a film camera, and I'm planning to use: ARRI 416 PLUS. I have so far read quite a lot of using different lenses, and also the manual for that film camera, but I expect there will come up more problems when I use the camera. So I have just three questions: 1: I want to have the aspect ratio: 1:37.1, do anyone know if this can be set during shooting, or is this set during post production. 2: If you shoot on 1.37.1 without it showing it during the camera shooting process, how would I know the composition of the shot, and how would I know how much of the image would be cut off? 3: The more open question, I would be really grateful if anyone could share some issues, or something good during the shooting process , for an example mechanics, or electronics, etc.(only about the camera, not about things like: you cant determine the weather etc.) THANKS IN ADVANCE!
  5. I want to rent ARRI 416 PLUS and have therefore reached out to different renting companies, and all have said that they only rent out to companies, and not to private persons. Must I start an own company just to be able to rent a film camera (I live in Sweden)? Thanks in advance
  6. One more question, have any of you (or someone else) had the issue where the rental company only rent cameras to companies, because some say that they only rent the film camera if you are a company. Do I have to start one on my own, or does anyone know this procedure? Thanks in advance!
  7. Hello! I have reached out to some camera renting companies, to ask whether I can rent ARRI 416 PLUS. The response I get is that you need to be more competent than just reading the manual of the ARRI 416 PLUS camera, for an example electronics, mechanics, lenses etc. I believe that I have a fair grip on the lens part. But I just wonder where can I gather more knowledge that enables me to rent this film camera, and also your own experiences when you have rented a film camera. What is it that is usually required to know during a film shoot, I understand this varies, but I would appreciate if you could say where I could read more about this matter. Best regards, John
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