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Per Christian L

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Everything posted by Per Christian L

  1. Hi. I recently bought a Minolta XL601 on eBay, and everything seems to look/run well. But I'm unsure about one thing. Now I don't know the name of this thing, so I'll just point it out. Does this look OK? Is it only supposed to have one of those "spikes"? Thanks, Per
  2. Oh really? So would it be safe to assume that those last ones would be a better choice than the two I posted earlier? Thanks for all the help!
  3. Thank you so much for the replies. I'm learning a ton! Any comments on these? I know they are not REX but I got a good deal on one of those (380 pounds including a light meter). It has been tested and the seller assures that it works. Will I be fine with one of those?
  4. Thank you so much for the replies. This is good to know. The other one I've found locally is this: Would that be a better choice? The price is about the same (a little cheaper than the first one).
  5. Hi! New member here. I've been filming a lot of super-8 stuff and I really want to venture into the world of 16mm. I have looked around for a Bolex H-16 and I've found one locally that has a reasonable price (a little over 500USD) and the seller claims it is in good working condition. However I don't know much about these cameras and I know there is a lot of different ones out there (even though they all look pretty much the same to me). The seller also states that it's an H-16 reflex. I guess I'm just wondering if this looks good to you. How are the lenses on it? Is it old? Is it newer? Is there anything I should know about this specific model? Hope the pictures are good enough. It's the only ones I have. Thanks!
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