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Anthony Mrad

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  1. Wow! it looks like you've been there. Thanks for sharing! Do you know if it's a light grid cloth or a full grid cloth? And can I replace the strobe effect with a 2k Arri and an ultrabounce?
  2. Thank you David for the detailed explanation! And thank you Mark for pointing that out! Yes Lebanon is 220V. I should have provided more information regarding the room in the OP...So here it is: The room is large (10x30 feet). But the subject, along with the props, will be placed at the end of the room. So I won't be lighting the whole area, just 1/4 of it. The ceiling is white and the sides of the walls are also white. The practicals are tungsten based but the look I'm aiming for is a one-directional-key-light in order to get those compressed shadows on the other side. So what I understand from you guys (correct me if I'm wrong), in order to achieve the look I'm aiming for: - 1 unit of Arri 2K would be a better option than 2x 650w - I should use a large bounce in the center of the space, either an 8x8 bleached muslin or an ultrabounce. - If the ceiling is white, I should use that to my advantage for bouncing? Or should I put a topper flag to prevent bouncing off the ceiling? Wouldn't the ceiling-bounce illuminate the shadow parts resulting in a less contrasting ratio between the light side and the shadow side? - Lighting the background would require additional/less powerful/softer lights...? Thank you in advance! I greatly appreciate the time you put in helping me :) EDIT: Would you consider diffusing a 2k Arri through a large chimera an option?
  3. Hi I am a cinematography student who's working hard to reach the mastery of lighting skills. And I hope you guys can help me on my project. So basically I'm planning a Photo-shoot Session for a film composer, it will be set inside a large room. The room has windows, but I'm planning to block the light coming through them. It won't be a beauty session, so I will be shaping light and shade to describe what he basically does (scoring music for drama/horror/comedy/action...) The look I'm aiming for is like in the photos below: https://www.google.com/search?biw=1920&bih=968&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=UENLWumLA4H0kwXb9IDADQ&q=hans+zimmer&oq=hans+zimmer&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0l10.44302.45638.0.45920. https://www.google.com/search?tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1920&bih=968&ei=B0NLWum_CsjkUs7jhbAM&q=leonarodo+di+caprio+the+hollywood+reporter&oq=leonarodo+di+caprio+the+hollywood+reporter&gs_l=img.3...59179.70466.0.70825. As you can see, the Key Light is very large and soft, and there is neither a fill light nor a back light... So my questions are: 1- What lighting unit is best used for achieving that type of look? (Arri 650w, Arri 2k, Red Head open face, HMI 1.2k, KinoFlo 400,...?) 2- Does any lighting unit fit into any chimera soft-box? 3- Is a 150W dedo light enough to achieve the look I'm aiming for? 4- Can I mount a Chimera softbox on a 150W dedolight? 5- Any tips for controlling the light and achieve the look I'm aiming for? I would be very appreciative for any help Cheers! Anthony
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