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Dylan Baker

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Everything posted by Dylan Baker

  1. Thank you guys! I was thinking about china balls but unsure how to rig them to the ceiling as its so low and with the spill as well. Maybe a suspended wire or some tape? The idea for the fresnels was because there is a stage to the left but the stage lights need a little boost to help with that red glow. Like you say may become uncontrollable.
  2. Hi everyone I've been tasked with lighting this bar/club scene. It is really really dark in there and not much room to maneuver. I plan on shooting 800 ISO at 2.0 on a BMCC (not the best for dark scenes). There is a stage below that is naturally lit with red light but because there are no windows and the only sources are small lamps on the walls, I'm really struggling to think of a way to be able to get enough light in there without it looking fake. Do you guys see any obvious problems with my plan? I'm not entirely sure how to fill either. Maybe a camera light? Any tips or recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
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