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Anthony James DeRose

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Posts posted by Anthony James DeRose

  1. What do fellow dp's usually do in exposure situations where they are in the shade but have a lot of highlights peppered in from the sun going through trees, leaves, branches, etc. For example walking through a shaded path in a park or the woods.

    I would assume to meter in the shade as that is the dominate area (blocking any sunlight from light meter dome). From there I'd underexpose the shaded reading a bit to feel shaded but I'm not sure the right amount. A stop under for the shade feels conservative, however it's a situation where the sunny highlights are just that highlights. In instances where I'd be on a big field with an actor backlight but little shade I am much more comfortable underexposing more. 



  2. Hey all,

    Planning on shooting some leftover daylight spools I've had of single perf 16mm for some time. 

    In these crazy times want to keep it as simple as possible and looking into renting a SBM S16 conversion Bolex or possible a Rex 4 turret c-mount conversion. 

    My questions

    1. These cameras with conversion still have a 130 degree shutter and the reflex veiwfinder still requires a 1/3 of a stop compensation? (With a meter that measures at 180 degrees I'd have to open up about 2/3s of a stop to compensate for both the shutter and viewfinder light loss.)

    2. Does the conversion of the camera make light leaks more of a problem?

    3. Lastly, do the "RX" lenses compensate for the 1/3 of a stop light loss due to the viewfinder?

  3. Hello all,

    Wanting some clarification on the option of scanning super 16mm to 2k log.

    1. When scanning to 2k will there be any degradation to the image? Is it being blown up to fit the 2k parameters similar to if we were blowing up to a 35mm print?

    2. Also what exactly is happening to the colors and latitude if they are converting it to a log file? Is it basically becoming a Log C image and changing the curves/color of the film stock?

    Thank you.

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