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Luca Zonca

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Everything posted by Luca Zonca

  1. Hello everyone, The other day my cinematography professor mentioned the Laboratoy Aim Density Control Film method for black and white film. It wasn't very clear to be honest and, since I can't find anything online, I was hoping someone could help me understand this better. The explanation revolved around the formula: DLAD = D0 + 0.70, where D0 is the minimum density of the film, and 0.70 is the LAD number given by Kodak for B/W film stocks. My professor concluded saying that the result is the value of the normal exposure and so, in this way, we can understand how our material is different from the normal exposure. With normal exposure he's referring to the 18% gray, but I'm not really following here. Does that mean that the result of that formula is giving us the density of a film at 18% gray? And if so, is there a standard value for that density? Can anyone help me? Thanks in advance
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