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Karl Rogers

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Everything posted by Karl Rogers

  1. Hi all, I’m looking to do a short film that takes place entirely in one hotel room on location, and ideally we’d be able to have the camera move around the room in 360 degrees. I’m looking to mainly do overhead lighting similar to this - https://www.premiumbeat.com/blog/diy-roger-deakins-ring-light/ - but I’m not an electrician and am not confident in building something that could theoretically start a fire or electrocute someone. There’s also the problem of actually hanging it, since it’s a location where we can’t destroy anything. It seems like a boom stand and limiting the camera to something closer to 340 degrees or using wall spreaders would be the way to go, but I’m wondering what options you all think would be best. Are there any other lights or light rigs I should be thinking about, or any other way to get a light on the ceiling? I’ve thought of gaffe tape, but it seems like whatever rig would need to be very light. I also have some light boxes that I suppose I could put on a boom or booms, but they’re relatively small compared to the Deakins-style light while also being fairly heavy. What recommendations or ideas do you have? Thanks!
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