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Eirik Gustavsen

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Everything posted by Eirik Gustavsen

  1. Hi all, I have recently bought a Bolex H16 EBM. I have charged the battery for 15 hours and when I place it on the camera the red warning sign turns on and stays on (motor not working) I have searched it up and I know these old batteries (12V) can be defected. I tried again this evening and placed it on the camera, but then the light started to flicker and turned off and stayed off. The motor was not running at that time either. I’m scared the electronics inside the camera is defected? If so what can I do to make the motor work? I also know that the batteries to the camera may giving too less power, and that’s the reason why the motor won’t run. Would appreciate any help on this, since I’m all new to this camera.
  2. Hi all, just thought I wanted to ask you a question since I just bought myself a Bolex h16 EBM. I have charged the batteries for a decent amount of hours. Placed it into the battery-grip and connected it to the camera. The red warning lamp turned on and stayed on and the motor did not run. I have searched it up, and saw that the motor may not run, because the lack of the batteries. I tried once more after this with another 16 hours of charge, but then the red warning light flickered and then stopped and the motor did not run, and now its no red warning light coming up. Does this mean the electronics in the camera is defected/burned (connection)? So my question is how can I get the motor to work? I hope its not the connection inside the camera itself, but rather the poor old batteries to the Bolex camera. Hope anyone of you guys could help me out, with some more knowledge about the camera. Thanks in advance:)
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