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James Klatt

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  1. I think the reason so many Hollywood-films don't engage with the cinephile is not because they are manilpulative, but because they are so obviously manipulative with a one-dimensionality that lacks depth, patience, or breathing room for the audience. They are also way too literal, in my opinion. Hollywood films, and much of tv, seem so concerned that we "won't get it" that they hand deliver answers, ultimately depriving us of any sense of magic and mystery. The most engaging, for me, are usually the films that aren't concerned with answers at all, but more about creating an abstract sense of personal truth. This usually means that the film is willing to venture into areas that challenge us to look at something from a diifferent perspective, and aren't exactly sure how we feel about it. The trend in the commercial arts these days seems to be about providing a mass appeal for dollars, which ultimately waters a film down to having a general and predictable nature with absolutely zero poetry.
  2. Good suggestions. VFX was the route I didn't want to go...but I guess it is inevitable if I want to make it happen. I'll let you know hot it turns out.
  3. Is there any way to reflect fireworks in an eyeball, in an extreme closeup of an eyeball? I have footage of fireworks. I want it to look like it's truly reflecting, 3-dimensionally, on the eye.
  4. Thanks for all your suggestions. I am currently reading the "Visual Story", which was recommended. There are some parts, thus far, which have been insightful. I will continue to look into your suggestions. :) (I also agree that creativity is a byproduct of experience and experiment, but sometimes a good book can be like a good teacher for thus of us that are self-taught...plus I love to read!)
  5. Wow, the Somnambulist is pheonomenal. Thanks for sharing Asparaco. I look through photography & painting/drawing sections all the time...I am looking for specific texts that people find special(like Ralph Gibson).
  6. There are many recommended cinematography and lighting books & manuals endorsed by this sight. But I haven't been able to glean any valuable book recommendations with composition as the sole subject. Any fantastic suggestions that discuss composition that transcends the usual generic formalities?
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