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Adrian Mojica

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Everything posted by Adrian Mojica

  1. we're cropping. we tried visual products out of ohio, but they only have it for super 35 gates
  2. Does anyone know if there are 2.35 or 2.40 ground glasses for a standard 35mm gate; specifically for use on a Super America Moviecam Mk2? If so, what rental houses might have them?
  3. I recommend OmniGraffle, there are a ton of templates (including lighting and staging). OmniGroup/OmniGraffle
  4. Much thanks for your help, Andrew and Audiris.
  5. I'm going to AC a documentary shot on a Pan-Arri III, and I can't seem to find any information other than the camera's description @ Panavision's site and rental info. I would like to read up on this camera and prepare myself as much as possible; any help would be greatly appreciated. Pan-Arri 35-III Much Thanks, Adrian
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