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Austin Travis Littleton

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Everything posted by Austin Travis Littleton

  1. Hello. I am a Teaching Assistant in my college's video technology program, and my primary responsabilities lie with lighting and camera. We have an class lab where students learn how to correct the tungsten lights in our lighting kits to match an area with a lot of daylight, or vice versa. Specifically, one of the setups calls for them to secure gels to a window that is in the background of the shot. We have a specific spot in our building that is good for this setup, and I precut a bunch of CTO and ND to fit the windows in that location. The main problem is that normally, they will just check out some of them and just spitball which ones fit in what window and try to guess how much they need. The professor and I want to make the process as real world as we can, so that it is actually like they are buying or renting our equipment. This semester we are going to have them calculate how much ND they need and how much CTO they might need for the windows, fill out a calculation sheet, and then "place an order" for the gels they need. We have our own checkout sheets for the rest of our equipment, but I would like to create a specific checkout sheet for the gels. However, I do not have any experience in the process of purchasing or ordering gels, except for just the variety packs you find on B&H and other sites. This is probably a stupid and simple question, but I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for how I could format it? Thank you.
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