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Alex Sundberg

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Everything posted by Alex Sundberg

  1. That's a good solution, I'll message him and see if he accidentally mixed them up. He mentioned it ran fine when the electric motor had battery, but since the battery died he hasn't been able to test it. I bet since it came with the motor attached it didn't even come with the long winder at all, just the small film rewind crank.
  2. I thought it was the lever he wasn't engaging as well but he said it was engaged. My money is currently on him using the incorrect crank, but it's hard to tell what the seller means since he isn't familiar with cameras.
  3. Hi everyone. I'm thinking of picking up an H16 reflex from this seller in Seattle. It comes with an electric motor you can plug into the wall and when you do so it runs fine. But the seller says that when he attaches the hand crank it will rotate but not wind the motor. His theory is that the film school he bought it from modified it somehow so it would only run with an electric motor but I personally have no idea why a film school would do that. The seller isn't familiar with cameras much either so there is a possibility he's just attaching the hand crank wrong but in the event that he is I was wondering if anyone has ideas on how to solve this issue. Thanks again!
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