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Gino Terribilini

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Everything posted by Gino Terribilini

  1. Just as a side- keep in mind cross-processing can prove to be very expensive (on a student-budget film). Make sure you check prices for lab set-up fees and all that before you decide to cross process.
  2. I am getting my Arri 16s converted to 12v and I was wondering if any of you have anything to say about which battery belt I should get. Is there a particular brand that I should look at or anything? So any of you have this camera and a good 12v pack that you are happy with? Thanks!
  3. I am going to Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa, CA (OCC) and took the film class there taught by Larry Riggins. I would HIGHLY recommend it if you're looking for a community college with a good film program and a great teacher. I'm originally from northern California and wasn't too impressed with what film programs they had to offer. They also have very limited filmmaking resources, so if you're looking to learn, I'd say move further south.
  4. I have a friend who wants to become a writer/director, but has no intentions to attend film school. In his eyes, film school is what makes or, in most cases, breaks people. That if you don't make it right out of film school, you don't really have a chance. He thinks that it is better to just spend your time making movies and learning from those rather than learning about it from a school-like setting. I, on the other hand, am trying very hard to get into film school because I want to be able to learn EVERYTHING I possibly can and begin networking. I think that from this, I will be able to break into the industry if not right away, then at some point soon after. What are the dangers of going or not going to film school? Are there any successful directors who have not gone to film school (aside from the obvious)?
  5. I will be applying for film school soon, but I have a bit of a dilema. I have been with my girlfriend for close to 2 years and she is wanting to get married, but I feel far from ready. I am only 20 years old and from what filmmaking I have done, I know it is a very demanding art- just like women (in general). What have been your experiences with your girlfriends, wives, boyfriends, etc. and filmmaking? Has it been a benefit or has it held you back? Gino Terribilini
  6. Has anybody found some good deals on cheap 16mm film stock? I know Kodak has some student rate, but i'm not taking any film classes right now and they have you send your class schedule to them. Anyway, if you know of any deals or have any film laying around, let me know. I'm looking for some 250D and 500T (or equivilant) film on 400' reels.. maybe 200'. Thanks! Gino Terribilini Gino@MotusPictures.com
  7. I have learned a lot since I first became interested in film not long ago, but I would like to keep learning. I will be applying to film school next fall (UCLA, Chapman, & AFI) and I want some advice concerning that and filmmaking in general. I made my first 16mm music "video" and short last year and am in the pre-production stages of my second short film (shooting on both 16mm and DV). Any advice you can give, I will gladly take into consideration.
  8. I have an Arri 16S and I think I remember reading somewhere that in order to use the 400' magazines you have to have your camera converted to 12v. Is this true?
  9. I'm looking to buy some 400' Arri 16mm magazines to toss on my Arri 16S. If you have one or two.. or three, let me know. Thanks!
  10. We are gearing up for a shoot in January and are looking for any extra help we can get. We mostly need a gaffer and somebody with a video camera that is capable of 24p who will help shoot. We also need anybody who has equipment and who is willing to help out in any way. All crew members will receive a copy and credit to include in their demo reel, but, unfortunately, this is a non-pay and non-union call. We will be doing the majority of shooting in the Costa Mesa and Long Beach areas. We will be shooting on 16mm film as well as video to minimize cost. Anybody looking to help for any amount of time is greatly appreciated. If interested, please send me a personal message or email me at Gino@MotusPictures.com. Also, if you or anybody you know is looking to be in a film, refer them to this listing. We are looking for a college-aged male and female, a 40-year-old burly male, and 3 other 50+ year-old people. Have them send headshots to the email address provided or mail them to: 555 Paularino Ave Apt B202 Costa Mesa, CA. 92626
  11. and/or 2x2 filter holders for the matte box.
  12. Looking to buy a matte box for my Arri 16S. Anybody have one or know where I can buy one? Saw one on eBay about a week ago for $100, but I missed it.. :( Haven't seen one since..
  13. Bought an Arri 16 yesterday and I was wondering what all the numbers on the motor mean. Which is 24 fps??
  14. I bought an Arri 16 yesterdayand was reminded just how loud these cameras are. Are there any tricks you guys know on how to minimize the sound of this camera? Would a Tobin crystal sync motor help any?
  15. In my high school days, I was able to get the local fire department to reinact a car crash totally free. They got the car, bashed it up, threw it against a tree, then came in with a few fire trucks, paramedics, took the actor out of the car, onto the stretcher, then away we went! It was a lot of fun and the price was right. Gino
  16. Check out my website and let me know what you think... I have absolutely NO HTML/ web making experience, so excuse the flaws, but let me know what you like/ dislike about the overall look of the website. Oh, and if you know anybody who could help me out with it, let me know. :D MotusPictures.com
  17. Film student here offering my services free of charge. I'd be willing to do almost anything on the set. I live in the OC/LA area, but if you want to fly me to Italy and pay for everything, I guess I could help there as well... On a serious note, let me know if you need any extra hands. Any exposure is better than no exposure.
  18. Just wondering what a good changing bag is. I will be using 400' Arri mags with 16mm film. I worked with a DP once that had one that was like a small tent with arm holes.. Anyway, your thoughts?
  19. Its not a scam.. the auction went all the way through without any bids. I contacted before the auction ended and told him I wanted the package, but didn't have the money at that moment, so he told me if there were no bids, he would sell it to me. We're still going to go through PayPal and everything- scammers will usually use high-end consumer video cameras for their scam and they're usually from eastern Europe or something.. not Canada. Everybody in Canada is honest and trustworthy... right? ;) Anyway, that's the deal with that. I talked him down to $3200 USD from the original $4000 CAD. Not a huge drop, but every little bit counts. I got one quote for $2500 USD from an Australian company. Another said they don't do it anymore because it cost about $5000 USD. I probably wont do it just because I don't plan on being a student filmmaker forever. Nor do I want to be a cinematographer (yet...). I just want to make movies.
  20. You can view the original auction and specs HERE. If the camera works as well as it looks, I'm willing to pay the extra $$. I just hope it does....
  21. Oh.. and the camera has a crystal sync motor.
  22. Not sure if this should go here or in Classifieds, but I was wondering if i'm getting ripped off or not for this set. $3200 plus shipping.
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