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Connor Keep

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Everything posted by Connor Keep

  1. Hey everyone. A friend of mine sent me some images from her super 8 footage and it looks like there’s darkness on one side of the image. I’m not knowledgeable enough on super 8 cameras to know what is causing this. If anyone has had this issue or any advice on what would be causing this, it would be greatly appreciated I’ve attached an image below
  2. Hi, I am shooting an upcoming short film of 16mm and planning to use an s35 optimo zoom as my main lens for the film. I also will need a wider angle and since I'm shooting on the s16 format. Was hoping if anyone had any recommendations for s16 glass that similarly match the optimo?
  3. Hello Roman, I’m aware this thread is pretty old, but was wondering if you still had any of that 100T stock laying around?
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