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Lewis A Fernandez

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Everything posted by Lewis A Fernandez

  1. This is where I managed to get to so far. Admittedly I’ve used some masking to bring the back sides into shadow more.
  2. Hi both. All fantastic advice, but how can I do this affordably? I’m looking more for how can I do it as a one man band on a budget. I know tungsten redheads are cheap, but working in small spaces rather than sets, these things are so hot I imagine my talent sweating buckets. Thank you!
  3. Top mine. Bottom Euphoria. I've decided to wait for it to go dark outside and so I'll have more shadow inside. Apart from that, any suggestions before I re-tackle this?
  4. Thanks Eric! Can you explain what netting means to me?
  5. Top - My shot. Bottom - Euphoria I’m using two Aputure MCs, with the orange one pointing up toward my chin and the green one pointing toward the top of my head. I didn’t realise, but I had a cinebloom filter on my lens which made my image too soft but apart from that, what are your thoughts? Thanks in Adv ?
  6. Thanks for this Mark. I guess that brings me back to me original question then. If a LED of much less wattage is equivalent to 500W how do I know what I’m getting in terms of brightness? How does that work? The work I’m leaning towards is narrative work with actors.
  7. Thanks so much for the response. I’ve considered red heads. Five times the output of my LEDs at a fraction of the cost but they run so hot. I work in small spaces and I can imagine everyone sweating within minutes!
  8. I have two Godox SL60W LEDs. I can pretty much never do wides because they are simply not bright enough. Now this question may almost come across as stupid, but what am I looking for when purchasing something brighter? These lights are 60W so I’m guessing I need something higher wattage. Is it possible for a light to be the same wattage and be brighter? Or am I looking out for something like Lux or Lumen? Please bear in mind when answering that I’m from the UK so terminology may differ.
  9. How do I light walls behind an actor using LEDS without affecting the exposure or the actor and when said LEDs are not very powerful, only 60w!? Thanks in adv!
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