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Truman Urness

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Everything posted by Truman Urness

  1. I've been planning on shooting a short on 16mm this summer as a summer research opportunity through my school, I spent a lot of time trying to find a good deal through all the rental houses in LA until suddenly, I found this really high quality Bolex just sitting in our production closet. only problem is I know absolutely nothing about shooting on 16 or using a bolex, which seems to be a sort of rite of passage in student filmmaking. I've been spending the whole day doing research on this camera and tracking down what model, how to operate it etc... but I still feel like I can barely grasp how to operate it. Are there any resources that I am missing? Ive been on bolexh16user, bolex collector, and a ton of threads on this page but I felt it may be best to post myself to get advice more directly. First question- how can I check that it's for sure working? I'm going to be purchasing film to figure it out but I'd love some advice to make sure I'm not wasting money. Secondly, can I get literally the VERY basics of shooting on film from anyone? There are so many other questions I have but just somewhere to start would be huge. Last question: I want to shoot on an anamorphic lens; any suggestions? thanks so much!
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