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Luis Chavarry

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    Los Angeles
  1. I see, Thanks for the info, this very interesting/informative, so just to understand, a DI finish printed back to film has more consistency in terms of color overall than a photochemically finished film ? Do you think Nolan should start doing DI’s moving forward instead of a photochemical finish to have more consistent colors like he did in Tenet ? But at the expense of losing resolution ?
  2. Based on what you said, do colors have better saturation, contrast when it’s photochemically finished ? If their isn’t much of a difference why didn’t Nolan didn’t Nolan Do a DI for interstellar in your opinion and all prints would have come from the negative ? Sorry for asking so many questions, you are very knowledgeable on this and I would like to keep learning.
  3. From your perspective, Have DI’s gotten better to where they are indistinguishable from a photochemically finished film ?
  4. Thanks for the info, do you know if directors in the early 2000’s who used cgi like Raimi for Spider man/ Peter Jackson for LOTR not release “show prints” for those films so they mask the cgi ? Did they use the N/IP/IN/release print stages to their advantage to cover the cgi ? Or did they make show prints that where closer to the negative no matter the quality of the cgi at the time ? Do directors releases show prints based on the quality of the vfx/cgi in general ?
  5. Does anyone know why didn’t Nolan do blow ups directly from the interpositive instead of going through the dmr process for his films prior to Dunkirk ? Is that even possible ? If not why not do an optical blowup to 70mm and then to Imax to avoid sharpening the images ? Any info would be helpful, Thanks.
  6. Hi, I’m new to this forum due to my interest in filmmaking, I would like to know what are the advantages of a photochemically finished film as oppsosed to DI. Why does Nolan avoid DI’s for his films ? Is the contrast, saturation, resolution better retained ? And if so aren’t release prints 3/4 generation copies anyways ? Wouldn’t be better to do a DI and have all prints made from the negative ? I may be wrong on all of this but I thought I’d ask since you guys are way more knowledge than I am. Thank you.
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