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  1. Hi all, I'll be shooting on the Arri 3C for the first time next week. I've done a little bit of filming on an Arri SRT2 and some 8mm - but no 35mm - and would love to hear some tips and tricks from other DPs who've worked with this camera, as there seems to be fairly little info available online. We'll be shooting mostly indoors (stock has already been chosen by the DP, I am working as the 2nd unit DP). From the sounds of it, it's a fairly clunky camera to use handheld - which is what I think we will be using it for mostly (shooting children). I have an experienced 1st AC, so, I am more interested in operating, or exposure quirks. Thanks!
  2. Please follow this link to view the comprehensive NC400, NC500 as compared to Eastman Kodak 5219 that was shot on March 1st, 2023. https://vimeo.com/820380873 We used two Aaton Penelopes in a side-by-side setup with matching prime lenses. We made two passes, each with the NC stocks in the A camera and Kodak 5219 500T in the B camera. The exposed material was developed and scanned at Colorlab on a DFT Scanty at 4.3K for a 1 to 1 representation on 4K DCI. In addition the material reviewed on ARRI Scanner Company 3 by Thomas Kuo. The team exposed the stocks at their respective box speed. The first thing we wanted to find out is the film stocks' speed. The factory rates the two film stocks at ISO 400. We implemented the standard two stops under to 2 stops over wedge test in 1/2 stop increments. We concluded that the NC400 emulsion looked closer to "normal" at one stop over or N+1, that being ISO 200. At the same time, the NC500 appears to have a slightly less normal density at close to the factory box speed of ISO 400. In conclusion, NC500 appears to have an ISO of 320. I recommend exposing it at ISO 250. Test Credits: Dwight D. Campbell - Master Gaffer Donald Burghardt - Master 1st AC Dan Venti - Master 1st AC David Auner, AAC - Cinematographer Gustavo Perez - Electrician Hanako Ohashi - Coordinator David Jean Schweitzer, SOC - Cinematographer, Project Leader CURVES-comparative.jp2
  3. Hello, does anyone know of anyone or place to buy a 2 perf movement for the arricam lt? It doesn't look am camera doesn't have it and I don't know who other than them would have it so if anyone could give me an active source to pursue on that, that would be great.
  4. Hello Group, A couple of times I heard that 35mm 2-perf is an excellent alternative to Super 16mm film. Lately I discovered some sources (facebook), where older, used film cameras are being sold in near perfect condition - for very accessible prices (no glass though). No worries: I won't buy anything without making 100% sure I know what I will get. I am obviously on a budget, but doing all the math: 35mm 2-perf (even with the sides cropped to 1.85:1 or 16:9) seems to be excellent value for money since the improvement regarding grain and resolution is clearly visible and the price for film stock and procesing is only slightly higher - I get about 22 minutes from a 1000ft load of readily available 35mm camera film stock. My only two concerns: I can't afford a modern camera which has a -perf option factory built-in (such as some Aaton models). So I was thinking of the expertly converted Arriflex 53 IIC, which was used very successfully as a Techniscope camera and is great (if not as great as modern cameras) for hand held. And I don't know if 2-perf scanning is easy to come by. Let alone the price for good glass. I have no idea which focal length is considered standard (when assuming that 50mm is the average standard for 35mm spherical and 25mm for 16mm. That would make it for Techiscope around 38mm I suppose (?). Any suggestions (including talking me out of the idea) highly appreciated. Please take into consideration that I am located in the EU (the good stuff is usually all in the US). Merry Christmas to all members of this great board. I have learned a LOT from the very helpful members. Here is a huge Thank You!!!! Christian
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