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  1. Dear colleagues, as a complement to the article on the Canon Xf705 camera, I have published this video on vimeo The article with the test in English https://www.imago.org/index.php/news/item/1052-the-canon-xf705-camcorder-in-la-musica-del-cacao.html The article with the test in Spanish http://www.tmbroadcast.es/index.php/canon-xf705-musica-cacao-conversaciones-alfonso-parra-adfc/ I hope that will be of interest of you Best regards Alfonso Parra ADFC www.alfonsoparra.com Tel Colombia 57 311 5798776 Tel Spain 34 639109309
  2. We have published the test on the Canon XF-705 camera that I used in the documentary La Memoria del Cacao. English versión at IMAGO website https://www.imago.org/index.php/news/item/1052-the-canon-xf705-camcorder-in-la-musica-del-cacao.html I hope that will be interest of you. Best Regards Alfonso Parra ADFC www.alfonsoparra.com
  3. Dear colleages Now you can see the test we made with Signature lenses and Alexa LF at IMAGO website https://www.imago.org/index.php/news/item/850-arri-signature-ff-t-1-8-lens-review.html It is in English version and Spanish as well. I hope that it will be of interest of you Best regards Alfonso Parra ADFC www.alfonsoparra.com
  4. Dear colleagues, you can already download from the IMAGO page the test we carried out with the Venice camera, SIGMA, LEICA and Kowa anamorphic lenses. http://www.imago.org/index.php/technical/item/752-venice-test.html I hope that will be interest of you. Best regards Alfonso Parra AEC, ADFC www.alfonsoparra.com Tel Spain 34 639109309 Tel Colombia 57 311 5798776
  5. Alfonso Parra

    Venice test

    Dear colleagues, in the link you can see the tests we did with the VENICE camera in Cartagena de Indias in Colombia. In Cinegear I will comment my experience during the shooting with the camera. DATE: Saturday June 2, 2018 TIME: 11:30 am to 12:30 pm LOCATION: Screening Room 5 I hope it's of your interest. Best regards Alfonso Parra AEC, ADFC www.alfonsoparra.com
  6. Dear colleagues, you can see now on the IMAGO website the test that we published of the zoom 20-120mm of FujiFilm. I hope it's of your interest http://www.imago.org/index.php/technical/item/733-evaluation-of-the-zoom-fujinon-cabrio-xk6x20.html Best Regards Alfonso Parra AEC, ADFC www.alfonsoparra.com
  7. Hi, We test a MK zoom lenses from Fujifilm. You can see a video at Test is published at cameraman magazine, nº 95 (Spanish at the moment) I hope it is interest of you. Regards Alfonso Parra AEC, ADFC www.alfonsoparra.com Tel Spain 34 639 109 309 Tel Colombia 57 311 5798776
  8. Dear colleagues, we have done a test with SIGMA prime lenses and two of the zooms for cinematography. It can be downloaded from the IMAGO page (http://www.imago.org/). http://www.imago.org/index.php/technical/item/674-the-sigma-prime-lenses-test-review.html http://www.imago.org/index.php/technical/item/675-the-sigma-zoom-lenses-test-review.html You can see videos at: I hope it's of your interest Best regards Alfonso Parra AEC,ADFC www.alfonsoparra.com SPain Tel 34 639 109 309 Colombia Tel 57 3115798776
  9. Now you can download de test of Cion Camera froma Imago website http://www.imago.org/index.php/technical/item/573-the-aja-cion-review-tests.html Regards Alfonso Parra AEC, ADFC www.alfonsoparra.com
  10. We made some test of Cion Camera from AJA V 1.2 you can download from http://uploaded.net/file/mn6n384s I hope it is of your interest Regards Alfonso Parra AEC, ADFC www.alfonsoparra.com
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