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Alfonso Parra

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About Alfonso Parra

  • Birthday 05/04/1962

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    Spain / Colombia

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  1. Next Sunday 22nd we will have a new IMAGO conversation, this time about In-Camera VFX. We hope it will be of your interest. Registration at: https://streamyard.com/watch/m9CJraEx4Yj3 Alfonso Parra AEC, ADFC www.alfonsoparra.com
  2. A new IMAGO ART & TECH conversation about Zeiss Supreme lenses. You can register at https://streamyard.com/watch/R3GruekHC36E Regards Alfonso Parra AEC, ADFC www.alfonsoparra.com
  3. Dear colleagues, we have published in IMAGO website the article about the Panamanian film BROWN where we have used the Alexa Mini LF. In the article we talk about the photographic process with an analysis of the camera noise included. I hope it will be of your interest. Article are in English and French https://imago.org/news/article-feature-film-brown-analysis-of-the-noise-of-the-alexa-mini-lf-camera/ Best Regards Alfonso Parra AEC, ADFC www.alfonsoparra.com
  4. Dear colleagues, we have published the ARRI Alexa35 camera test. A document where resolution, dynamic range, sensitivity and color among other aspects are studied. We have also made 4 videos that complement the text.
    You can download it in English from:

    Estimados colegas hemos publicado el test de la cámara de ARRI Alexa35. Un documento donde se estudia la resolución, el rango dinámico, la sensibilidad y el color entre otros aspectos. Ademas hemos realizado 4 videos que complementan el texto. Se puede descargar en español desde:




    Alfonso Parra AEC, ADFC




  5. El artículo se puede ahora descargar en español de https://adfc.com.co/el-ruido-en-la-camara-venice-i/ Espero que sea de su interés Saludos Alfonso Parra AEC, ADFC
  6. Dear colleagues, I have prepared this article about the noise in the Venice I camera I hope that will be of interest of you https://imago.org/news/the-noise-in-venice-camera-i/ Regards Alfonso Parra AEC,ADFCITC member (International Federation of Cinematographers)www.alfonsoparra.comTel Colombia 57 3115798776Tel Spain 34 639109 309
  7. We published an article about the use of Fujinon's PREMISTA ZOOM in the VIX+ series Crazy Charlie produced by CaracolTV. ENGLISH version at https://imago.org/news/fujinons-premista-zoom-in-the-crazy-charlie-series/ Regards Hemos publicado un artículo sobre el uso de los ZOOM PREMISTA de Fujinon en la serie Crazy Charlie de VIX+ producido por CaracolTV. En ESPAÑOL en https://adfc.com.co/los-zoom-premista-de-fuji/ Espero sea de su interés. Alfonso Parra AEC,ADFC ITC member (International Federation of Cinematographers) www.alfonsoparra.com Tel Colombia 57 3115798776 Tel Spain 34 639109 309
  8. Dear colleagues the article of X-H2S camera can be seen now on IMAGO website in English https://imago.org/news/evaluation-and-cinematography-study-of-the-fujifilm-x-h2s-camera/ and in Spanish on the ADFC page at: https://adfc.com.co/evaluacion-y-estudio-cinematografico-de-la-camara-x-h2s-de-fujifilm/ video at: https://vimeo.com/780919596 I hope it's of your interest Best regards Alfonso Parra AEC,ADFCMember of the Technical Committee of Imago (International Federation of Cinematographers)www.alfonsoparra.comTel Spain 34 639109 309Tel Colombia 57 3115798776
  9. Alfonso Parra AEC, ADFC will participate in the IMAGO talk. To register send an email imagotalks@imago.org

    On October 16 from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Colombia time.

    4pm to 6.00pm CEST time

    Alfonso Parra AEC, ADFC



  10. Imago Talks, el 16 de octubre de 9.00am a 11.00 am hora de Colombia.

    Para inscribiros en imagotalks@imago.org.

    Alfonso Parra AEC, ADFC




  11. I have published in IMAGO website my latest article on the zone system in digital cinematography, both in Spanish and English. I hope it is of your interest https://imago.org/news/the-zone-system-of-analog-photography-in-digital-cinematography/ Best regards Alfonso Parra AEC, ADFC www.alfonsoparra.com
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  12. Colleagues we have tested two of the Fujinon Premista zooms. It can be downloaded from the IMAGO page in English https://imago.org/news/evaluation-and-photographic-study-of-fujinons-premista-28-100mm-and-80-250mm-zooms-for-ff-cinematography/ And in Spanish at https://adfc.com.co/evaluacion-y-estudio-fotografico-de-los-zoom-premista-28-100mm-y-80-250mm-de-fujinon-para-cinematografia-ff/ I hope it's of your interest Regards Alfonso Parra AEC,ADFC www.alfonsoparra.com
  13. Dear colleagues, we have published our review of the Sony FX9 camera on the IMAGO website. We hope it is of interest to you. https://www.imago.org/index.php/news/item/1127-sony-pxw-fx9-camera-test.html Regards Alfonso Parra ADFC www.alfonsoparra.com
  14. Here I send the invitation for a conversation that I am going to have with Canon Spain about light in the documentary with the XF-705 camera. it is going to be in Spanish. The link is in the pdf, but I leave it here also ttps: //us02web.zoom.us/j/84726430646 Best regards Alfonso Parra ADFC Webinar Alfonso Parra.pdf
  15. Dear colleagues, as a complement to the article on the Canon Xf705 camera, I have published this video on vimeo The article with the test in English https://www.imago.org/index.php/news/item/1052-the-canon-xf705-camcorder-in-la-musica-del-cacao.html The article with the test in Spanish http://www.tmbroadcast.es/index.php/canon-xf705-musica-cacao-conversaciones-alfonso-parra-adfc/ I hope that will be of interest of you Best regards Alfonso Parra ADFC www.alfonsoparra.com Tel Colombia 57 311 5798776 Tel Spain 34 639109309
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