If you can use some $ for your art, you should consider applying for a Guggenheim Fellowship. Even if you are rich, the recognition and prestige of a Guggenheim can sometimes open doors for putting a project together.
I applied for one with my still photography. I didn't get it, but the Foundation showed enough interest in my projects to ask for a portfolio.
Here is the 4 part Guggenheim Fellowship series that breast-feeds you the scoop.
Part 1: The Quest for a Guggenheim – What Inspired Me / The Upcoming 4 Part Series / Notable Guggenheim Fellows in Photography
Part 2: The Quest for a Guggenheim – History, Application and Process Timeline
Part 3: The Quest for a Guggenheim – Submitting a Portfolio / An Example Portfolio that Failed to be Awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship.
(Part 3 is NSFW)
Part 4: The Quest for a Guggenheim – Budget, Notification, Rejection and Closing Remarks
You still got some time before the window closes for this year. It was one of the easiest applications I've done for funding. Prestige, money and recognition. Plus it is free to apply!