LOMO OKC lens set for sale,
included primes: 18,22,28,35,50,75, 135 mm, OCT-18 mount for Konvas 35 mm Russian movie camera. Cover S35, 4K sensor.
Excellent condition++, lens clean and clear, mechanics is smooth.
Lens made in USSR, 1983-1990, good completed for one set.
lens 18mm f3.1, okc5-18-1, s/n 850141
lens 22 mm f2.3, okc3-22-1, s/n 830112
lens 28 mm f2.2, okc7-28-1, s/n 890249
lens 35 mm f2.2, okc11-35-1, s/n 900219
lens 50 mm f2.2, okc1-50-6, s/n 900278
lens 75 mm f2.3, okc6-75-1, s/n 900101
lens 135 mm f3.7, JUPITER-37A, s/n 813253 (very RARE)
all lenses in EX++, 135 mm lens have small spots on the front glass, no effect to image quallity)
The price: $1500+ shipping. email: schubert@ngs.ru