Bolt High-Speed Cinebot - for high speed camera movements. Includes
6-axis robot, UniVAL software, Interfacing option to Flair high speed motion
control software, Flair License, PC hardware & Hilscher EtherCat
networking adapter, Hand-held remote controls, Ulti-axis card for control of
Focus/Zoom/Iris motors, Two high speed focus/zoom motors, Intime
Real-time Extension & License, Custom Camera platform with multiple
mounting points, Safety and additional Emergency stops, Bloop light &
extension, triggers box, 4 GP Outputs, 2 GP Inputs, 3D Graphical display,
CGI moves Import/Export facility, Interfacing to turntables and Model
Movers. Set of allen keys and 14mm allen key, flair and RX160L manuals.
Spares package including: Ulti-axis card, Quad Axis card, spare PC
hardware & Hilscher EtherCat networking adapter, spare GPIO card, spare
focus/zoom cable, network cable, Ulti-Axis XLR power cable, fuses
Pedestal unit with out-riggers and weight buckets for weighting down.
Small turntable capable of a 20kg payload.
Simple motor that can be triggered to move items or open valves, etc.
Warranty until 05/06/21 Price : $110,000.00 USD