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  1. Hi everyone, I have recently watched The Love Witch which was shot by David Mullen, ASC. My wife and I absolutely loved the film. On Wikipedia the movie is described as a "comedy horror film" and a "playful tribute to 1960s horror and Technicolor film". My question is: Can this movie be described as a Giallo film? If so, why or why not? The film was shot in "standard 4-perf 35mm 1.85 on an Arricam ST and plan on a photochemical finish, and then a transfer to digital from a timed IP". I would love to discuss the approach of shooting a "giallo" film digitally from pre- to post-production / how different the approach/results would have been in this case (The Love Witch). For example: The use of color (using tungsten and gels vs. RGB LED | speed vs. cost. vs. quality of light etc.) hard-light style with digital sensors (which I don't see that often anymore, but I might be wrong) production design, HMU, costumes in-camera effects (like kaleidoscope lens and gels in front of the lens) filters, mirrors, lenses and more... P.S. David, I loved reading you creating a red vignette by cutting out an oval in a red party gel and taping it to the matte box. It takes years to build such a solid foundation of knowledge, experience, and confidence to know how to achieve certain results. Are there any more photos or lighting breakdowns from The Love Witch you would be willing to share with us? Thank you David for sharing so much knowledge and for creating such beautiful art. I am looking forward to grow and learn more about cinematography from you and other masters of cinematography. Here a a few links I found about the film (very interesting read): https://ascmag.com/podcasts/the-love-witch-m-david-mullen-asc https://ascmag.com/articles/the-magic-of-hard-lighting-for-the-love-witch https://nofilmschool.com/2016/11/the-love-witch-anna-biller-interview
  2. Yo guys, could you tell me what you think? These were shot with no budget - The Hymnal - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APQFgRIX3yM Shot with Canon 60d, basic photo lights + diff & neg Only Child - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1IJka9piWk&feature=youtu.be Shot with CAnon60d, tungsten builders lights + small LED + diff + neg Obviously they're not perfect, but I shot them to get something made :) I was going for Eraserhead btw :)
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