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  1. Hi everyone! I recently shot on 16mm for the first time using a Bolex H16 SBM with a Vario Switar 16-100mm zoom lens. After getting the scans back I noticed that it was severely out of focus in a lot of the takes. It would often be sharp for the first couple of frames of the take and then shift focus considerably even though I was not shifting focus via the lens. I was wondering if this might be an issue with the pressure plate in the Bolex, where it might be slightly moving backwards as the film travels through it, affecting the focal plane. I’m certain I had the pressure plate locked into place correctly when shooting. I used a tape measure from the focal plane of the Bolex to measure the distance each time to the subject and then set the lens accordingly. Here are some examples of the film shifting in and out of focus. Footage Examples And here are some stills: Frame 1 of Clip 1 A few frames later from Clip 1 Frame 1 of Clip 2 A few frames later from Clip 2. I was wondering if anyone had any advice on what might cause this and if it is a pressure plate issue? I’ve also attached a videos showing the condition of the pressure plate and how the motor runs etc. Bolex Motor Running Here are is a photo of the pressure plate. I should also note that when the focal length of the zoom lens was set to 100mm it seemed as if the focus didn’t shift for whatever reason.
  2. I am having trouble focusing my K3. I've just got some footage back, almost all of it is, at least very soft, a lot of it is clearly out of focus. This is the first batch I have filmed since the camera was converted to S16. The conversion used a re-centered lens mount. The previous footage filmed was much better (not 100% sharp but acceptable). I have used 3 lenses, all with the same problem, Meteor 16-79, Belomo (Peleng) 8mm, and a Sun Actinon 80-200mm. The image in the viewfinder doesn't seem to come into focus as it should. The zoom lenses are quite poor, especially at the extremes, but do seem better in the middle focal lengths. Could this be an issue with the new lens mounting ring being too thick or thin, causing the focusing plane to have shifted? Any other thoughts / experience? Thanks Glen
  3. Dear Cinematographers, The problem pertains to the Vivitar 733A super 8 film projector, which has been serviced, but has also been sitting in my closet without proper attention for several months. When I project a roll, and focus for the sharpness thereof, the projector's frame is out of focus - noticeably blurred around the border; - and when I focus for the projector's frame, the film is out of focus. Is the problem mechanical, thus requiring me to have it serviced again, or purchase a new one; or simply the result of my own ignorance? I would be sincerely grateful for any assistance in this matter. Kindest Regards, Kurt Cassidy-Gabhart Would that it were so simple!
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