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  1. Hey guys! My company, ShareGrid, collaborated with Duclos Lenses and other independent DP's to build one of the largest vintage lens test library. Set to release next month, you can check out our teaser below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJZWUT1q3Vs We'll have side-by-side players so you can view almost an focal length of any set of lens and really see the differences. As well as stats, testimonials and R3D files to download. Here are the lenses we tested: VINTAGE -Canon K35s -Cooke Panchros -Kowas -Leica Rs -Lomos -Nikon AI-S (Duclos Cine-mod) -Zeiss Super Speeds MKIII MODERN -ARRI Master Primes (as our control) I'd love any testimonials from any DP's who have shot with any of these lenses before. We want to include as many professional opinions as possible on this test page! Let me know if you'd like to be involved.
  2. As mentioned in an earlier list, I am about to shoot my final diploma film. We are in a process of finalizing the visual form of the film and using anamorphic lenses is one of the ideas. We have Kowa Prominar lenses available at the institute which got serviced yesterday. With few students along I took few shots just to see how they are performing post servicing. Although I intend to shoot my diploma film on 35mm Film, these few shots were taken on an Arri Alexa XT. Prores HQ. Rec 709. In available light. ND filters were used in exterior shots. It is not a test but I would like to have a feedback on it from the members, not only with respect to technical elements like distortion and flaring but also using these lenses and format as an aesthetic choice. Would be sharing detailed test on film as well as digital soon. Regards Shashank Walia Class of 2011 Cinematography www.ftiindia.com
  3. I'm looking to buy a Kowa Anamorphic lens set to PL mount, hopefully. Please let me know if you know of anyone selling. Thanks so much!
  4. Lenses For Sale (Pre-Owned): Cooke S4/i 18/25/35/50/75/100mm Lens Set Kowa Anamorphic 40/50/75/100mm Lens Set Leica Summicron-C 18/25/35/50/75/100mm Arri 16/24/32mm T2.1 Macro Lens Set Arri Master Prime 18/25/35/50/75/100mm Lens Set Arri Master Prime 27mm T1.3 Lens Metric Scale Arri Ultra Prime 16/24/32/50/85/135mm Lens Set Zeiss MKII Superspeed Prime Lenses 18/25/35/50/85mm email sales@broadcastsolutions.com for pricing and details.
  5. Hi. I'm selling my Kowa Prominar 16D Anamorphic Lens. It's in fantastic shape. $599 Free Expedited Shipping. Ebay Listing: http://www.ebay.com/itm/181397691897
  6. Hello everyone, We are planning to shoot a very low budget feature film this summer and I have some questions on the camera set we will use and I hope you can help me on some of the following: 1. The 16:9 sensor on the GH2 + a 2x anamorphic adapter produces a final stretched anamorphic aspect of 3.55. Which would result in (1920x1080)*(2)= 3840x1080. Instead of doing the decompression from 2x, I want to interpret the shot as if pixels would be 1.333 or 1.4587. I know it keeps the image still a little deform but I think I like the look. Whats your technical and/or creative take on it? (SEE IMAGES BELOW) 2. We would project it on standard 2k (2048×1080) DCP cinemas and the final cut would fit into it with a 2048x858 (2.39:1) size movie. Am I right? or does it work in another way? 3. I am currently using Sedna AQ1 for max detail against anamorphic softening against big screen projection. Do you think it will hold enough? Would you sharpen in post? Whats you recommend any other hack? Given this 3 points which would be your opinion on this process? Have any of you seen any gh2 anamorphic content projected in 2k dcp? How does it stand? Thanks for your help! P.D. Anyone selling a Kowa 16-h (8z) In order not to be so limited with the 16D in lens minimum mm´s?
  7. Hello! I have this sharp Kowa for sale: Includes clamp and caps. New. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=290849706147
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