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- ProTapes Artist Tape Flatback Printable Paper Board or Console Tape, 60 yds Length x 1" Width, White (Pack of 1) PRO Tapes make the best artist tape I've used, and I've tried quite a few brands. It works great for film handling marking camera gear, boxes or plastic boxes and jars. You can tape film down or mark reels and cans. Peels off clean. I've also used it as a gaffer's tape, albeit a less durable, but still good enough option, if you need it in a pinch. Blue painter's tape is crap compared to this. Drafting tape is half-ass. Really drafting tape is many times just a thinner variety of masking tape, sometimes with less stick...sometimes not. It is a crapshoot if it will wreck the material. I trashed all my drafting tape. Artist tape comes in all sizes from 1/4 inch to 2 inches...although not all colors are in all sizes. Even so, there is a large number of colors available to allow for color coding. I use this tape for permanent marking as well. It sticks great, but it is always nice to have a clean removal option instead of digging out the acetone or 'Goof Off' and marring plastic surfaces trying to get the sticky off. But as a warning...I've only used this tape for a few years. I have not had it on something for 10 years and tried to remove it. So, this is my experience with it with that caveat. These are the kind of dispenses you use for the tape. You can buy dispensers to hold single or multi-reels of tape for up to 3 rolls. When you put the tape on, aways leave a little tab sticking up on one end that you bend around to stick on the tape. Makes removal very easy. <><><><> Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Archival Collection Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Small Gauge Film Archive Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Advertising Archive Daniel D. Teoli Jr. VHS Video Archive Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Popular Culture Archive Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Audio Archive Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Social Documentary Photography