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Found 3 results

  1. The novel Cinefade VariND has been available for over a year now and there are some great examples of how cinematographers have used the variable depth of field effect in narrative storytelling and commercials (Examples). It's still a new effect though and I'm wondering how else you would use the Cinefade in your post-covid projects? Reveal a bad guy lurking in the background by extending depth of field? Combine with a Dolly Zoom effect? Let's get creative...
  2. I want to dive more into narrative books again. I've always been a very audiovisual person, when it comes to perceiving and consuming storys. So I'd like to come back to the written storys, after heaving read so many non-fictional books about lighting, photography and cinematography. Can you give me some recommendations? I know it's rather subjective. But I thought, I'd meet some like-minded people, since we are all filmmakers and visual storytellers. Maybe I can give you a little help with my favourite films and directors, that I enjoy watching: - Kitano, Fincher, Tarantino, Danny Bolye, the Coen brothers, W. Allen, Gus van Sant, Luc Besson, Spike Jonze, - nearly all of the Studio Ghibli movies and some classic anime feature films like Ghost in the Shell, - Se7en, Lost in Translation and Good Will Hunting are some of my favourite films I can watch over and over again.
  3. Hello everyone! Sorry for reposting this, but the first time I did it for some reason there was no title. Alas! So, I love reading books about film, media, art and the motion picture industry in general. I'm looking for recommendations on new reading material for the future. So, if you have a favorite book or know of any essentials that I should read, let me know! I'm sure there are dozens of authors and countless pieces of work that would be valuable and pertinent to my attempts in always trying to further educate myself as a filmmaker. Books I've read that I really enjoyed include: Final Cut - Steven Bach Poetics of Cinema - David Bordwell The Way Hollywood Tells It - David Bordwell On Directing Film - David Mamet Ways of Seeing - John Berger and my personal favorite... Devotional Cinema - Nathaniel Dorsky All of these books gave me great insight into many different aspects concerning motion picture production and flim/media theory. In ways these books changed the enitre way I perceive reality and the world, and how closely this coincides with filmmaking. In many ways they're synonymous. Motion pictures are merely captured moments of the whole experience. But yes, I would greatly appreciate any and all recommendations. I'm always eager to be turned on to something new, thought-provoking and/or technically beneficial. I also recently ordered the ASC Manual 10th Edition. I thought it was about time I finally got it. So if you were going to suggest that, maybe think of another one. Please? Awesome! Well.... Thank you and good morrow!
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