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Found 5 results

  1. What is the difference between scanners with Sequential RGB+Infrared color capture method vs a bayer pattern color capture method? I see that laser graphics offers both models and that the arriscan has the Sequential RGB+Infrared. What is gained from the rgb method ?
  2. Hello, I just got an order of Litemats Spectrum 1 and 2. I also got a single gold mount battery plate to PL4 to power those litemats on Battery. My question is: How would you power such a light off a gold mount battery? What would be the minimum requirements of that battery to be able to turn on the light? I know it is possible since the accessory is sold by Litegear themselves in order to power the Litemat 1 and 2 Spectrum via a single Gold-mount battery... I'm asking since I tried using a 160WH 14.8v and the light won't turn on. (I would use those batteries to successfully power the Litemat 1 & 2 bicolor PLUS versions) Here are the litedimmer spectrum specs: (I feel like it's missing output current info. AKA: Amperage required for the light to work) SPECIFICATIONS (IMPERIAL/METRIC) POWER RATING: 200W Nominal VOLTAGE INPUT*(BATTERY): 10~35VDC (PL4 Connector) 14.4 VDC Nominal (One Battery) For LED Loads up to 100W LINK FOR THE DIMMER AND LIGHT Document center: https://www.litegear.com/document-center/ (Find Litedimmer Spectrum user guide) Thank you for your help!
  3. Hi all, I was wondering how one would go about exposing or even using color effect filters like color gradients, Coral, Antique Suede or Day for Night optical filters while shooting on a digital camera and delivering in color. For example, say that you are using an Antique Suede. Wouldn't depriving the sensor of blue light be very destructive to the raw image? To my understanding the blue channel displays the most noticeable noise the most often. If so, how would you combat this? What are the advantages of doing such an important color decision in camera rather than in post apart from the "stops people from messing with your image" argument? Are there any clear optical or overall quality differences? Thanks in advance!
  4. Hi everybody, I'm reading about color sampling and I'm getting a lil confused about the difference between RGB and YCbCr. From what I've understood they are both color spaces, but YCbCr comes handy because full bandwidth RGB signals have a lot of color redundancy and they are not economically efficient for storage and transmission. One of the things I do not undestand is when in cameras happens the passage from RGB to YCbCr. For example, if I'm shooting with a high end level camera like Alexa or Epic what is the color space? And if I have a chence to choose between the two which one should I choose? And another thing, I've seen that in high end level monitors there is a hdsdi input but also different inputs for YCbCr signals, whit differents connectors for the different color components. why is that? Thanks so much in advance for the help, Davide
  5. Anyone can look into their film scanner and tell me what light source they are using? Seems like the Spirit Datacines and the Kinettas use either a short-ark Xenon lamp or an RGB tri-LED. But who manufactures these lamps? What are their models? Please help!
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