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Found 3 results

  1. Ive been asked to shoot a stop motion shoot. I feel it is pretty straight forward, but would love to have any advice people may have. Also I need to assemble a equipment list so any suggestions on how best to do it would be greatly appreciated. At present Im thinking Canon 5D on a rostrum hooked up to capture one software.
  2. Hello, Here's the shot: beads are thrown or projected on a surface and come to form a word. There's no need to see someone's hand doing the throwing. So the beads could just fall. Part of the solution lies in showing this shot in reverse: we start the shot with the finished word and then, somehow, see the words "jump up" towards the camera. That would suppose that the camera is looking up at the beads as they call towards the lens. That's what I can't figure out: how to make the beads hold in the shape of the word and fall towards the lens at the same time. There's probably no solution to this, at least no easy solution. Another approach would be to shoot this as a stop motion sequence and go from the formed word to an empty canvas, after all the beads have been animated out of the frame. I would be happy to hear people's thoughts on this! Thanks. Alex
  3. Hey, I am a Film Studies student and hope to make a stop-motion animation as a side project. I was just wondering what DSLR-type sensor you would recommend for the project (have to be under £600) and what software? I'm hoping for a cheaper version of DragonFrame... Well, actually, camera wise I've been looking at the Canon EOS M3 or the Nikon D3300 (which is an SLR). What do you think about either of these or could you think of an alternative? I really appreciate you reading this and if you answer, thank you very much.
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