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Found 3 results

  1. I have a Zeiss 85mm f1.2 (50th anniversary) lens which originally had a Contax/Yashica mount. When I bought the lens it came with an Aaton mount. I want to install an EF conversion mount which I bought from Simmod, but it requires the original C/Y mount to be present, in order for it to attach to and I guess sit at the right height for flange distance etc. I've tinkered with making a shim/spacer out of a Canon lens cap, but it's not exactly as good as a nice machined metal part. And it requires me to find longer screws.. Anyway, my questions would be: 1) What is the correct distance from rear element of this lens to sensor/film plane? 2) Is there a way to source a C/Y mount for this particular lens? (Note it's quite a bit wider at the base than many potential "donor" contax lenses, I know because I've already destroyed a 50mm f1.7 *sorry) 3) Do spec sheets, blueprints, technical data or papers exist in a public domain for this particular lens? 4) Could someone please point me in the direction of a good resource for understanding how the C/Y mechanism works? I seem to have begun my lens *home servicing journey on a rather expensive lens, and I'm pulling a few too many hairs out with anxiety... Many thanks and hello!
  2. Hey Dudes...i cam across this awesome Schneider Optivaron, with an unusual mount. The thread is the same as M42 but it has a long barrel, so I am not sure what camera (possibly film camera) this lens made for. Its not a C mount, and the rear side of the lens diameter is equivalent to standard 35mm film camera lenses. I am trying to hook this up with a Panasonic AF m43 but so far, because of the M42 lens converter I have, makes this lens barrel way too close to the sensor...so everything is out of focus and range.. if you have any suggestion, i would really appreciate it Thanks guys!
  3. I just got a Nikon 8.5 -25 with a strange mount. I have looked everywhere but can't identify it. Any help would be awesome thanks.
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