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White Stripes : The Denial Twist

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I just saw the most surreal, amazing video the other night - the new White Stripes clip "The Denial Twist". This thing continually does some sort of camera trick where the perspectives keep changing around the performers as they move from set to set. It almost looks like they shot the whole thing with a fish eye lens, but not really. I can't put my finger on it - does anyone know how they achieved that look? What boggles my mind more than anything is the moment when the White Stripes are towering over this compact car like two giants staring down at a micromachine, and manage to easily slip inside.


I think I would get lost for days if I even attempted to pick Michel Gondry's brain. :blink:

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Did Michael Gondry do that one too? Watching the DVD of his work blew me away. One of those guys that makes you think differently about what film making is, a rare trait.


I saw one he did for WS where I guess he shot the scene from one angle and then played that back over a projector with the same projection angle as the lens' angle (I hesitate to say focal length) and then filmed from another angle. Simply brilliant.


I have yet to see this video. is there a place on the web to find it? My TiVo wont record MTV (not because my TiVo is broken, but MTV that is broken)

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Hello -

I have a feeling that there is a ton of physical set tricks - post tricks - spinning double anamorphic element tricks


The one sure thing........ tricks... (of some sort)


Have a nice day,

Joe Zovko

AC - IA 600


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I noticed the second time through that at the end, when it pans from the house back through all the scenes to obrians desk, if you look at the car it is much much longer than when you see them get into it.


I still crack up at the end when they say 'hey thanks for being in my video' and obrian replys 'no problem. im just so depressed now. its like my head is getting bigger, more square, like a cube'

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