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Sean Azze

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  1. I got the sense that Benjamin's travels through India may have been given a look to approximate films of the 80's, but I may just be seeing something that isn't there. Either way, kudos to Mr. Miranda. I thought the film was gorgeous to look at, and specifically very soft, belying that it was a digitally shot production.
  2. So, I get the sense that from a dp's reel, you have to present a montage of varying shots that look pretty and demonstrate your skills with lighting and composition. But for a director's reel, how do you decide what shots from your work to throw into the mix? I have mainly music videos and commercials on my reel, so I don't have a collection of scenes that I can throw together had I a repertoire of shorts. So where does that leave me? What should the pacing be when laying these shots out? Thank you to everyone for your time...
  3. Yep, there's film thrown into the mix. In the behind the scenes interstitials, they mention something about lugging around cans of film stock.
  4. Wow, sounds thorough. I would have guessed it was totally done with computers. Do you know if they are also able to incorporate camera movement with that time lapse technique? Some of the sequences are long tracking shots which show plant growth as the camera dollies along.
  5. Any idea how they shoot the growing of plants and fungi in fast motion? I'm assuming it isn't time lapse because the sun nor shadows ever change positions during those shots.
  6. That's weird. From my recollection, it was actually Guillermo Navarro that shot Once Upon a Time in Mexico. He isn't credited, but in the director's commentary Rodriguez mentions Navarro as the DP when he makes his cameo as a doctor. Then again, Rodriguez may have said "this is DP Guillermo Navarro" as opposed to "this is the DP of the film Guillermo Navarro" - I haven't heard it in awhile. Not sure if anyone else can confirm this...
  7. I noticed in the credits that Tarantino dped for the first time. Just wondering if any of the cinematographers on the forum would like to give their professional opinions on how he did. As for my humble review, I was really disappointed after anticipating this film for so long. Planet Terror was a complete bore for me, I couldn't wait till it finished. I wasn't crazy about Death Proof either, but I did enjoy it a little more. I loved the typical stellar dialogue written by Tarantino, and Kurt Russell stole the show with his performance. Oh, and a couple of the trailers made for a great laugh (kudos to Edgar Wright - dying to see Hot Fuzz). I guess I'm just not a big fan of camp and ludicrisly over the top action. If thats your thing, you'll probably get a bigger kick out of this movie than I did.
  8. I believe said stuntwoman was driving the rig that was towing the car involved in the scene. Nicole Kidman was behind the wheel of the Jaguar in the scene so she'd be on camera. http://www.imdb.com/news/wenn/2007-01-26/#3
  9. ? You shot this film how many years ago? I guess it leads me into the question: Do you make it a habit of documenting lighting set ups for future reference or do you just have an uncanny memory?
  10. "Yeah well, why don't you give me, ah.. why don'tcha give me Ape-Tit for $200."
  11. Little snooty of you, don't you think? There's been hundreds of notable figures in human history. Just because neither I nor Mr. Heinlein has ever heard of Tesla doesn't imply that we have been cohabitating in a bunker a vertical mile underneath the earth for the last 100 years. :lol: You aren't one of those Jeopardy judges, are you?
  12. I did. Unfortunately you speak in generalities and don't offer any concrete examples to back your position.
  13. Thats fine, but not something that has to be sketched out in the shot list. You can either plan to set some tracks up for the dolly, or just throw the camera on the ops shoulder! Exactly. But how often is a story being told through the performance sequence of a music vid? "But to continue to just showcase, video after video, without regard to the individuality of each song seems highly irresponsible; a series of wasted opportunities." - Keneu Luca This is what you said, so you've just contradicted yourself. This is a subjective statement. Now you're calling into question the merit of the work, as opposed to recognizing what is precedent and the protocol one can follow to complete a video. I never said it was creative. I said it was do-able. Music video - not live concert. You're digressing, playa... :blink:
  14. I second that. And on IMDB.com it has super16 mixed in with the formats alongside 35 and video for the mock news footage. Oh, and I liked it quite a bit. I enjoyed it more for the inside look at the traditions of the monarchy and less about the conflict at the heart of the story.
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