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  • Premium Member

I recently purchased a CP-16R off of eBay and it is now making a slight ticking sound (much louder than the sound of the film running through the camera). It is constant and rhythmic. Has anyone else had this problem?




Josh Hill



Does it make that sound with the magazine and belt drive for the take-up attached? If so, disconnect the belt drive and see if it goes away. If it does, the problem is in the magazine (happened to me once).


You know, the CP doesn't get a lot of respect but I had mine modified for Super 16 and get great images. Did before the mods too. They're built like a tank.

  • Premium Member

Yeah, the sound seems to be coming from inside the camera. I haven't really shot a test yet (both of my batteries need recelling, one holds a little charge and the other none at all) but its definitely not a mag problem. If I knew it shot well I wouldn't even bother worrying about it, but like I said I haven't had a chance to run film through it yet (soon though, probably tomorrow if my battery is charged well enough).


I'm a college student, so the CP-16R was the only sync camera I could afford. And I probably shouldn't have spent my money on that. But I did and I just want to make sure if I get the 16mm bee in my bonnet I can go shooting.


Quesiton though:


How is the Super 16mm conversion and where did you get it from (Visual Products?) Do you have the halfmoon or butterfly shutter? I'm running with the 156 degree butterfly


Look forward to hearing back from you, and thanks.


Josh Hill



I understand money is tight but you may want to look into having the camera serviced or overhauled. I think you can buy new batteries for around $125 each - and you can probably shoot for a day on one.


Service and accessories are available from Whitehouse Audio Visual or Visual Products. Paul at VP is a former Whitehouse employee and he knows his stuff. He did my conversion "on the side". A little machine work is done on the gate and the shutter modifed - that's it. Then you need a lens that will cover the larger aperture which he can sell too. I have the butterfly shutter. He modifies them in such a way that it covers the larger aperture when closed. The "new" shutter angle is a few degress narrower but there is no adverse affect on the images.


I also had him add one of his video taps of his own design. The workmanship on everything is first class - but none of it comes really cheap.


Are you running the camera with no film in it? That's probably why you're getting the ticking sound. Go to a camera house or lab and get some free junk test film just to load it up and roll it through your camera. That sound may very well disappear.

  • Premium Member

It ticks with film as well.


When my roommate gets home I'm running a sound test to see if it holds sync. As long as thats the case it really doesn't bother me that much (functionality is the number one issue).


Any other ideas let me know.





  • 2 weeks later...

I had this problem with mine, and it turned out to be a bad belt, which was caused by a bad clutch.

Are there any little tiny bits of hard rubber floating around on the bottom inside of your camera? (sometimes they're blue).

Open up the camera (the right side, not the usual film side), and look at the belt that looks like a fishbone.

Any missing teeth?

Mine did this, I got a new belt, and it did it again!

The problem was the clutch, which is what connects to the pulley that the outside belt that goes to the magazine runs.

I got a new one of those (and a new belt), from Paul Hillman at Visual Products (who makes brand new ones), and it works like a charm, and it's quiet.

It was an easy fix. I'm not a techie, and I did it, so as long as you're slow and careful, you should be able to do it.

Have him send you the page from the service manual when he sends the belt & clutch (if you need the clutch, and you probably do).

This is going to be WAY less than an overhaul, and I would suggest doing this, because mine went out on my during a shoot, TWICE, (since I thought it was just a bad belt).


Matt Pacini

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