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dirt cheap cameras part 2


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I found the topic on dirt cheap cameras quite interesting.


I was planning on doing a similar little experiment and I think it could work. With limits


As a trainee on a film a couple of years ago I was given the short-ends when it finished. I've got about 2200' of 5229 and 5246. In my excitement I had lots of grand ideas about borrowing a 35mm from a rental company and making a professional looking short. As you can imagine this never happened and now I have the film wasting away in the back of my house.


I've become very interested in experimental home processing recently and have bought a lomo tank.


My cunning plan was to buy a 'dirt cheap 35mm' like an eyemo for around $200, try and get (hopefully for free) some out of date C41 from a highstreet photo developers, scrunch it all into a lomo (in 100ft loads). To get a print I thought of splice-ing it together and taking it to my local indie cinema and getting them to project it, film it on my camcorder, import it onto avid and then reverse the picture to get a positive.


Obviously it's not going to look like something Vitorrio Storaro would be proud of but it might look good for a music video or some experimental sequence in an indie film.


Is this all crazed ramblings or could this actually work?

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check the Kodak website for details of the ECN-2 process. Even if you do manage to process it yourself, you won't be able to project the neg properly because of differing sprocket pitches. Even if you could, filming 35mm off a screen with a mini dv camcorder seems would seem to negate the whole point of shooting 35mm in the first place. That's what dvd pirates do, and we all know how good their pictures are....

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I've just read on a home processing site that you can use c41 but substitute the bleach process with the ecn2 bleach. Is that possible?


Does anyone have any cheap ideas for transfering to video?



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Does anyone have any cheap ideas for transfering to video?

Marry into a film lab? Sell your first born to the post house? Your best bet is to make friends with somebody who has a telecine with a 35mm gate, and make it worth his while to help you out. Other than that, you'll probably have to pay like everybody else.

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