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Shooting in Nevada Desert

Donald Mckinnon

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hello everyone,

I have been given an opportunity to shoot b-roll for small independent feature at Burning Man in a couple of weeks and am looking for advice.


I have been a photographer for a number of years and am moving toward cinematography as a career. I recently finished BFA at film school and am taking any work that comes my way. Except, perhaps, the current job that has been offered.


Basically, I have been asked to pick up b-roll at Burning Man and am worried about the dust and sand amidst the virtual stampede of crowds. The job could be a good opportunity for me as it may lead to more work but it requires that I bring along my own equipment( super16mmAaton and set of primes).


I am wondering how I could go about protecting the gear and minimize damage.


I have a couple of plastic rain covers for the camera and could use them to house the camera in. I would bring along a single person tent and set it up as my safe zone when I need to get into the camera, ie. change mags or lens.


But do you think this will be enough? Or do you have any suggestions? Or would I be better off pasing on this job? Like I said, I am fairly new and am trying make my way in the industry but I haven't found a lot of opportunity out this way, Denver CO.


All advice is welcome and I am greatful for any replies.


Also, if anyone knows of any cinematographers in Denver area that need an honest, loyal and hardworking assistant I would be more than happy and greatful for any opportunites.


Thank you for reading the post,


Donjald Mckinnon

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I'm no expert, but I would certainly share your concerns on that one.


What is the insurance situation on the production? Are they renting your camera package along with you? Do you have insurance on your camera?


What part of Burning Man are you supposed to cover. I have never been, but a friend of mine used to go, and I have seen some footage of the event. Before the actual bonfire, things can be really laid back and mellow. If you are shooting that, then I think you will have a better chance of protecting your equipment.


If on the other hand you are supposed to film the actual bonfire and the dancing and all the other activity of the moment, from what I have seen and heard, that can be kind of pandemonium. In that case I would be very concerned for your equipment.


Just as an aside, does the production have releases to shoot there. Burning Man is clothing optional, not to mention recreational substance optional, and I would think you will open yourself up to potential lawsuits if you use certain footage without releases.


Best of luck,


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Insurance is non-existent, and I did express my concerns with producer. He himself was very upfront and honest with me and let me know what to expect. I am very hesitant about accepting the job and have all but made up my mind to refuse it. I wanted to throw it out to this forum before I did so and see what others thought. I put everything I had into buying this pkg and would hate to see it ruined because of a bad decision, but like all others when they were new, I accept almost all the work that is offered to me. I appreciate your advice,

Thank you,

Donald Mckinnon

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I know some people who have gone there, and one person who shot a documentary of it.


They said that the ticket you buy to get in, is in itself a release form.


Having said that, my buddy filming it said people would come up and try to stop him from shooting when there was wild stuff going on, which included (but was not limited to) a girl taking on 5 guys at once on a couch that was on a moving flatbed trailer!


Burning man, indeed!



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