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UFO caught on tape! Other Supernatural

Jack Linder

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Hang on! Unlikely?? It's pretty much a statistical certainty that there is life elsewhere - 1,000,000,000 stars in each galaxy, 1,000,000,000 galaxies - someone said it's like finding a blue grain of sand in the sahara desert and assuming it's the only one there.


Now, intelligent life is a little less likely, and intelligent life that's figured out how to travel 1000's of times faster than the speed of life is a real headline.

Unless they just came to play silly buggers over Manhattan :huh:

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Statistics like that are meaningless, and frankly, I'm surprised that it's such an accepted idea, even amongst those who should know better.


Life, as it exists on earth, is from a result of an almost infinite number of unlikely probabilities happening, so taking life on earth, and counting it as "ONE" in a statistic about life in the universe is just plain silly.

It's just like the shark attack statistics you always hear; "one chance in 300 million" (or something like that) in the US.

Makes sense, then I read that they came up with that by taking total shark attacks per year, and divided it by the total population of the US.


Like the guy in Kansas has an equal chance of being bitten by a shark as the guy swimming in the ocean. Uh-huh!


Footnote: Remember in the movie (or book) "Contact", where she says the line about "if only one in a million...." blah blah blah?

Well, someone actually did the math, and the result actually left NO chance of life in the universe!

I read an interview with Robert Zemeckis, where the interviewer asked him about that, and he sheepishly admitted that after the film was completed, someone drew that to their attention, but of course, he said it didn't matter.

But now it's ingrained into pop culture, and everyone keeps quoting this as if it's a fact.


Matt Pacini

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Most anything can be proven or disproven by statistics. After examining thousands of UFO reports, I found only two percent that I felt were worth any further attention. Some UFO investigators try to convince skeptics by piling up hundreds of exciting reports, as proof of the existence of "flying saucers," but I prefer to use reliable sources.


About twenty-five years ago, I uncovered the Smith memorandum of 1950, which, insofar as I know, is the only official document admitting to the existence of "flying saucers," which has been made public. The memo was based on an interview with Dr. Robert I. Sarbacher and was written before the first H-bomb test. It states:


"I made discreet enquiries through the Canadian Embassy staff in Washington who were able to obtain for me the following information:


"a. The matter is the most highly classified subject in the United States Government, rating higher even than the H-bomb.


"b. Flying saucers exist.


"c. Their modus operandi is unknown but concentrated effort is being made by a small group headed by Doctor Vannevar Bush.


"d. The entire matter is considered by the United States authorities to be of tremendous significance."


Since I don't rely on the U.S. government for information about UFOs, my opinions are based on Canadian sources, (mostly from sightings that involve pilots, the military, or the RCMP). There are some strange things seen in our skies, and it's not just swamp gas, Venus, or ball lightning. And, I know a lot about Nikola Tesla, too.


As for the existence of dragons, you might care to read one of my articles: "Strangers in a Strange Land."

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Matt, how can you state such radical statements as "there's no such thing as aliens". How can you know? People should not have any strong opinions on things they know nothing about. It's absurd.

It's not like we are talking about witches or mermaids or something. It is just

another form of life, organic beings, very possible. Nothing supernatural about it.

Bacteria-fossiles were found on mars, there was life on another planet, why shouldn't there be intelligent life in space?


The distance problem, yes I agree, but just few decades ago people thought that

you can't brake the sound barrier with a plane. What makes you think that today's

science is 100% accurate?


And as for UFO's , they could be anything. You know, an actual alien abduction

in full detail and 100% realism can be a sleep disorder called "night terror"

It is a disorder in wich people have such halucinations that feel like reality.

they dream awake and in terror seeing either aliens in their room, demons

and such horrible things. A man can watch a film about aliens and recreate

an abduction from subconsciousness in such a wake dream and it feels like reality to him. Allso what has been belived to be incubs and sucubs (demons that visit bedrooms at night, and often rape the victims) for centuries, is infact this disorder

where a person feels like he is being raped in the middle of nigh by an invisible


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... People should not have any strong opinions on things they know nothing about. It's absurd. ...

Well, given the fact that there is no proof of aliens existing, then I would submit the idea that EVERYONE "knows nothing about" them.

Given the fact there is zero verifiable evidence, the burden of proof is not on the unbelievers, it's on the believers.

And yet these arguments are always framed the other way around, just because it's a popular and appealing idea, much like many religious ideas that have no provable facts, and even the very same people who argue with me about this, will insist religious believers prove what they're saying, and if they cannot, then that means it's all fantasy.

But somehow the belief in aliens is exempt from any of this logic.


By the way, the Mars thing was disproven within weeks.

It was contaminated with Earth particles.

No evidence of life has yet been found anywhere but here.


Matt Pacini

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Dan... You didn't think I belive in demons that come at night did you?

I hope you didn't, In my post I stated this as a symptom of a sleed disorder.

A psychical disorder. People seeing all kinds of strange things. These are



By the way Matt, I totally agree on what you said. There is no evidence,

and we shouldn't "belive" that there are aliens vising earth. Anyone has a right to an opinion, but I think it is not very wise to have a very strong opinion about

the existence of aliens comming to earth. People that are 100% sure of this

are blindly jumping into conclusions without any real data.

On the other hand, I think that people should stay open minded. Nobody can

be 100% sure of something just because there is no evidence. He can be sure

that there is very little possiblity of something because of lack of evidence though.

Like you said the burden IS on those who claim existence of aliens that visit earth, not other people. But lack of evidence is not evidence on its own.


But that is all not important because I was not talking about our little grey

aliens with big eyes. I was talking about intelligent life in space in general.

Anywhere. You must admit that there is a possiblity of that. Perhapse humans will never know because they might be living on the other side of space, or have lived

billions of years ago. Yes, life is a chance, a slim chance, but universe is huge, and

very old and is full of chances. It is not impossible. If it was impossible, then

we wouldn't be having this conversation at all. We are life, and a living proof that

life is possible in this universe.

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Oh, I'm not saying it's 100% impossible, I'm just saying it's unbelievably unlikely.

If it turns out to be true, I'll be thrilled.

I'm fascinated by the idea, just as much as the next guy. I just happen to see basically almost zero reason for believing it... other than the fact that we all WANT to believe it because it would be really cool if it were true.

Just like some people I know, who would love it if dragons, elves, dwarves and ogres existed.


Hey, I checked out the link above. Interesting.

I realize I'm a heretic among the believers here, but this statement, in the heading of that webpage, intended to lend credibility to Dr. Drake, in my humble opinion, takes away credibility.

Let me explain:

"...While working as a radio astronomer at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in Green Bank, West Virginia, Dr. Frank Drake (now Chairman of the Board of the SETI Institute)..."


Here's my (admittedly cynical) translation:

" Dr. Frank Drake who gets his paycheck from the SETI Institute, therefore there's no way in hell he's going to publicly state anything that contradicts their position, for fear that he'll end up flipping burgers for MacDonald?s..."


Sorry, but this assumption everyone has, that scientists and intellectuals are soooo smart, that they are without a doubt unbiased in everything, is just laughable.

We all gotta eat, and history is chock full of brilliant scientists who fudged data to conform to the ideals of whoever was cutting their paychecks, current trends in thought, etc. Look up Dawson and Piltdown Man on Google.

At least Stephen Hawkin has the balls to admit when he's wrong, and not coincidentally, he started his apology with "I hate to disappoint science fiction fans, but..."


Even if intelligent, technological life HAS existed, it could have happened millions/billions of years ago, (or in the future) and the chance of us "missing" it, by virtue of when our own evolution just happened to have taken place, is extremely high.

I laugh at our present "searches for intelligent life" space programs.

Even if we found something on the surface of Mars, or elsewhere, in my opinion, it doesn't necessarily prove that aliens have ever existed.


Consider this scenario:

We're leaving junk on Mars right now, right?

So say, 100 years from now, a huge meteor hits Earth, damn near obliterates all life, and those few humans left are reduced to hunter-gatherers to stay alive.

All record of past civilizations decays and is forgotten, and it takes 3 million years for mankind to get back to the point we're at today.

They start a space program, fantasize about life in the universe, etc.

Basically have all these discussions we're having.

They finally get to Mars, and guess what?


Yeah.... US before the meteor destroyed everything.

So if we find bits of metal, pieces of whatever, with some sort of language on it, microbes, whatever, it's not 100% proof.


I submit to you, that this (unlikely) scenario is INFINITELY more likely than aliens from other worlds, and I have this one, annoyingly persistent statistical FACT on my side: this planet already has life.

No statistical analysis about probabilities needed.


Matt Pacini

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An interesting scenario.


You know what was my fist thought when I read it? All the negatives of

my favorite films will be left uncooled and humidity controled without electricity. I know it is insane, but that is what came to my mind first.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not to beat a dead horse here, but this is an interesting article, and also ammo for guys like me, who see error in the "there's so many planets out there, there must be life on one of them" concept.

All things are not equal, so like I said before, counting each planet as a "1" in some probability equation is lunacy, because it assumes the same exact series of evolutionary events is taking place all over the universe.


Here's the basics of the article:

"On the evidence to date, our solar system could be fundamentally different from the majority of planetary systems around stars because it formed in a different way. If that is the case, Earth-like planets will be very rare. "


Here's the link:


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Of course a minority of .0001% is still a million of the bloody things. I think the point is no one has any idea and quite possibly never will, the old speed of light being what it is.

Which does as you say raise the question of why people try to make definitive statements about it.

In the case of Drake and co, presumably because they are dreamers and optimists.

In the case of the opposite party... :huh:

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1. Doesn't anyone find it suspicious that nobody started seeing aliens until science fiction stories started being published about them and they started appearing in movies & TV shows?

there are cave paintings dating back to the neolithic period that report UFOs and strange men wearing helmets. its not a pop culture thing, it has been evolving cuncurrently with us since the beginning.


sorry for lousy english, its my second language.

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there will always be one more opinion over the other person.


the FACT is WE , as people on this earth, dont know if there is life or not. no one has any proof to prove it or not. we all have our own opinions and we all will make up our own asumptions.

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  • 1 month later...

I second that statemend about cavemen.


Actually, if you look at religious texts from the side, they could be evidence of

contacts with alien races. Of course by stating something like that these days

one can get burned in gassoline in front of a church by his fellow christians.


And of course, everyone rather belives in spirits that have no scientific grounds for even making theories (perhapse one day we will discover afterlife, spirital world etc. by methods of science, but we sure as hell aren't there yet) , than in simple biological beings from another world that are 100% possible by science.


Veda's are best examples of that. There are gods described there that have flying golden palaces (that produce loud noises) and shoot lightnings on enemie gods.

What kind of a god would need technology and show violence.

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This is off the "Levine Breaking News" e-lert:


ASTRONAUT COOPER DIES--SAID UFOS ARE REAL: There has been yet another death of someone important to the UFO Community. Astronaut Gordon Cooper died on Monday, Oct. 4, at the age of 77. Cooper was one of the few astronauts to speak openly about his belief in a UFOcover-up. He said, "For many years I have lived with a secret, in a secrecy imposed on all specialists and astronauts. I can now reveal that every day, in the USA, our radar instruments capture objects of form and composition unknown to us." In 1985, Cooper told the United Nations, "I believe that extraterrestrial vehicles and their crews are visiting this planet from other planets, which obviously are a little more technically advanced than we are here on Earth. "

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  • 3 weeks later...

...The assumption here, being that just because a guy goes up in the atmosphere of Earth, he must have some insight to what's going on in the entire universe.


Notice he didn't say he had a trunk full of physical evidence he was hiding in his garage, or a map to somebody elses garage.

It was just another baseless opinion.


Sorry, there are wacky people on all levels of expertise and intellegence, including astronauts.

I've heard people here even go as far as to claim the President of the United States is crazy and an idiot!!

Imagine that!


And his quote: "...every day, in the USA, our radar instruments capture objects of form and composition unknown to us."


I'm no rocket scientist, but I'm pretty sure RADAR doesn't define the composition of ANYTHING!


There's an excellent article in the last issue of SKEPTIC magazine, talking about all the paintings over the last few centuries, supposedly showing flying saucers, etc., and guess what?

They're icons that were common religious symbols of the time, but most people don't know about them now.

Great article, you should read it.


And saying that cave paintings "show UFO's and strange men with helmets" is interpretive.

Maybe that's what they show, maybe not.

I laughed out loud when I first saw "Chariots of the Gods" many years ago, which interpreted all sorts of stuff like this in old paintings to be visiters from space.


Ever heard of creativity?


People have always been creative in their art.

Imagine, 2,000 years from now, somebody digging up some Salvatore Dali paintings, and saying "hmmm, what must he have SEEN to paint these images? There must have been stilts holding up the ocean two thousand years ago, and watches floating around in the air, with fishes resting on them!"


You gotta give even ancient man credit for creativity, you guys!


Matt Pacini

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Honestly, what difference does it make? It is a UFO, it isn't a UFO. Let's pretend that it is a genuine UFO and it cannot be debunked. Now what? With the kind of visual effects that are available to any computer nerd, it will always be suspect. I've been watching these "actual videos" for close to 35 years. None of them held up under scrutiny. Even the infamous "Big Foot" footage has been debunked.  Maybe UFO's do exist. Funny thing is, the extraterrestrials don't want to have anything to do with us. I wonder why?



Big Foot eh,

When I was at Crash and Sues a group of scientist and some producers brought in the original 16mm print from the Patterson Film, 1967 in Washington State. The only transfer this film ever saw was really bad, to 3/4. We put it up on the C-Reality and did an optical zoom on the big foots major muscles to spot flexing, it was there, the big foot also had mamories which indicated it was female. Now for a guy to be that big and able to fill a suit like that is a tough one to swallow, just as it is to consider that Big Feet exist, I didn't know what to think, I just saw the best blow up of that film ever done, it had muscles, or it was a really tight suit, I think I still got it and all the blowups on D-5 somewhere. I think the film they were making was called Sasquatch. It Everything was real, I studied many individual frames, authentic, was it a suit, I just couldn't go either way but it was a nice change pace telecine suite.

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Oh man, that is great.

Is there any way on earth I can get a copy of this from you?

On anything, VHS, MiniDV, DVD, as an AVI, D5, I don't care.


I keep seeing the bad transfers, and keep hearing how clear the original 16mm image is, and I've always wished I could see a good transfer of it.

Seriously, email me & let me know.


I'm totally serious (I've written a screenplay with a bigfoot plot, actually, so I've done a LOT of research on this!). I have a GREAT interest in this.

I also had what "might" be a BF encounter, in 1978.

If anyone's interested, I'll post a link to my story.

It's not proof, and it's not conclusive, so I don't know what it was for sure, but it was scary!


Email me directly if you want:






P.S. The Patterson/Gimlin film wasn't from Washington, it was in California. Bluff Creek, to be exact, which is in Humboldt county, up by Eureka.

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  • 1 month later...

I own a store in Breckenridge Quebec, located on the Route 148. My wife saw some lights on a summer night... and my employee was on TV....




At 9:50 p.m., ten witnesses saw "a very brilliant and strong" aerial light glowing behind the mountain at Breckenridge.





Most of the sightings took place over Breckenridge,

a small town on the north shore of the Ottawa River

near Aylemer (population 25,724), just west of

Canada's capital city, Ottawa.

      On Friday, March 14, shortly before 8 p.m., a

glowing orange light was seen over Breckenridge.

Shortly after 8, a man in Gatineau, Quebec

(population 73,479) eight miles (12 kilometers)

north of Ottawa, saw "a definite orange light."

      At 8:45 p.m., another man "saw the same thing

but a little more yellow" over the Parc de la Gatineau,

along the Ottawa River.

      On Saturday, March 15, at 10:15 p.m., a total of

10 eyewitnesses told CEIPI that they saw "an unknown

object" hovering close to the ice on the Ottawa River.

The UFO had six arrays of white light and appeared

in the same place in the Parc de la Gatineau off

Route 148 as the previous night.

      On Monday, March 17, at 9:50 p.m., another ten

witnesses saw "a very brilliant and strong" aerial

light glowing behind the mountain at Breckenridge.

      According to Jean Casault of CEIPI, the Aylmer

police reportedly told his group that the lights were

"military flares" being lit on the firing range at CFB

Connaught, near Ottawa.


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Guest Sarah 407

I think the whole discussion of alien life on other planets has become so confused because people have a poor understanding of what "alien life" is. Scientists are searching for single-celled microbes...not fully evolved beings.


As for the video, doesn't it seem odd that the UFO is a saucer? It's so cliche'. Everyone expects a flying saucer but if there really were advanced beings flying around our skies, do you really think their ships would be exactly the shape that people have been joking about for years? It's such a scam. It's also very true that out of all the people there that day, this is the only footage.

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As for the video, doesn't it seem odd that the UFO is a saucer? It's so cliche'.

You're right, the saucer is probably the dinosaur of interstellar travel by now- the aliens have probably moved on to teacups.


I can imagine a hurried husband alien talking to his wife right before they depart for a joyride to rural Breckenridge, Canada...

"Honey, hurry up, I've got to get the saucer warmed up."

"Oh dear! I hate going to earth in that thing! Can't we take the Kia instead?"

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Not that I think this is real, but wouldn?t it make sense that people see the same thing over and over? If everybody?s pictures and testimonies conflicted, it would be easy to conclude it?s just different people?s imagination.


Again, I think this is obviously a hoax and I don?t believe in life on other planets, but I?ve always thought the case could be argued because everybody keeps seeing the same thing.


I guess it could also be argued that people are just using what other people have claim to seen, instead of coming up with something original.

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