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Anyone Shooting Local/Regional Commercial Spots Only.


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My market is flooded with college students, want to be filmmakers, and tv station "production" departments that are giving away start to finish commercial services for really cheap or for free. There are a good number of independent producer/directors in my area as well and the trend that I see among all of them is that they all conceptualize, write, shoot, and edit each project they undertake.


What I'm wondering is this; are there any people out here on this board that are still in the local to regional stage of producing commercials, but are specializing in their given trade (i.e. shooting, editing, or producing.) or is everyone here wearing all of the hats for each production?

Edited by Rick P
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What market are you in? I am 155, and for the most part, people try and do it all. When I sell a client I must tell them why my production is better than a $300 from the TV stations. I also have to explain to them that I don't do all the work myself. I am a photographer and editor, I am not a writer. I try and wear as many hats as possible, to take in as much money as I can per project, but I have a talented pool of individuals I can draw from to get the best possible production. We are in talks for a few commercials on film (unheard of in this market...video TAPE is too expensive for some)


But depending on your client list, your market and your own standing in your field, its entirely possible, but usually only if you are a project innitiator in the smaller markets (meaning you need at least a producers hat). My favorite line is; It took me 10 years to perfect photography, I want to find someone who took 10 years to perfect their writting, and 20 years to perfect music etc. If you sell them on 100 years combined experience, then sudenly it looks much better than the TV stations which usually have 3-5 years experience in the one person they have working. But pick your battles and clients. Some don't mind horrendous crap that makes them look like fools, and makes their audiences turn channels.

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I am in market 59. The ad agencies around here do not have in house production teams, they outsource everything to freelancers. There is a lot of crap being produced locally, most of the local production falls around mediocre, while 4-6% is actually worthy of broadcast I think!


I don't mind wearing a producer's hat if it means I just have to drum up my business, and wake people up to television and the benefits of using my specialized services over those of the local tv stations and struggling filmmakers. I just don't want to write, produce, direct, shoot, and edit anymore. I've been doing all aspects of production for years (working for tv stations... ahem.), and it's the wrong way to create television. I was just wondering if anyone out there was doing it differently and taking a more specialized approach.


P.S. All of the production done here is video with the exception of a 16mm shoot I had two weeks ago. It felt so good to be working with film again.

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I work for a production company that staffs about 14 people and i work almost exclusively as a photographer. Sometimes I get talked into doing an edit or producing smaller jobs but for the most part I am allowed to specialize.


My company has been in this area for around 25 years and has built a reputation of quality that far exceeds what most local production facilities and tv station crews can do. We do a lot of regional broadcast and even the occassional national spot as well as corporate work for people like GE and Papa John's and others. Primarily we are working with HD and SD cameras although the occasional 16 and 35 projects come up. We also have relationships with a lot of the ad agencies in town and do work with them, although when they have big spots come up they usually go to NY, Chicago or LA....not always because the quality is better but because it sounds better and they get to travel. selah.


With the advances made in technology there are some small groups that do work in the area, some of them very good, most of them terrible. It's tempting to try that route sometimes, but there are things to be said for a salary and benefits.


I understand your frustration as far as when people go to tv stations for their media buy and get a "free" commercial thrown in, but honestly, I wouldn't want to work on the majority of those spots anyway (i.e. chinese buffets, eyeglass stores and the like).

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I work for a production company that staffs about 14 people and i work almost exclusively as a photographer. Sometimes I get talked into doing an edit or producing smaller jobs but for the most part I am allowed to specialize.


My company has been in this area for around 25 years and has built a reputation of quality that far exceeds what most local production facilities and tv station crews can do. We do a lot of regional broadcast and even the occassional national spot as well as corporate work for people like GE and Papa John's and others. Primarily we are working with HD and SD cameras although the occasional 16 and 35 projects come up. We also have relationships with a lot of the ad agencies in town and do work with them, although when they have big spots come up they usually go to NY, Chicago or LA....not always because the quality is better but because it sounds better and they get to travel. selah.


With the advances made in technology there are some small groups that do work in the area, some of them very good, most of them terrible. It's tempting to try that route sometimes, but there are things to be said for a salary and benefits.


I understand your frustration as far as when people go to tv stations for their media buy and get a "free" commercial thrown in, but honestly, I wouldn't want to work on the majority of those spots anyway (i.e. chinese buffets, eyeglass stores and the like).

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I'm in market 4 and there's tons of crap out there. Where the not so great looking stuff comes from is AE's and agencies controlling clients. Half the time a rep will bundle up all of a clients TV budget in airtime, in many casses, side stepping the impotance of good solid creative production. Then they simply have a TV station, or other low budget house create a spot for the client. Only the good agencies and reps recognize the need for solid, well thought out and executed production - and those unfortunately seem rare.


I work for a new start up with 11 employees and unfortunately it seems us producers end up doing much of the entire process ourselves. From selling, concepting, shooting, etc. Its our editors and graphic designers who really have the opportunity to focus on their particular skill set.


What I've noticed is that the higher end a facility the more need there tends to be for specialized employee functions. Whats really frustrating is the client that doesn't pay much attention to really good creative. Luckily those clients are easy to spot and steer clear of.





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