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The End (La Fin)

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Hello all :)


Okie - so on Sunday (Dec 17th) was my shoot for my short film titled "The End" which was shot on Bolex 16mm. Before the shooting I joined this community hoping to gain new friends & learn from you all and I must say everyone on here has something to offer and I really appreciate the help and comments you have posted in order to help me with certain tasks!!! :)


A little info on my short film - I wanted to bascially create a short film on a specific emotion that I have not really seen or experienced in my life and that is the "de-emotionalization" meaning seperating emotion from the process of death! We are all humain and when a loved one or a friend passes away it's only natural for us to become emotional and mourn the dead...and so on! So, I wanted to position a character where she does not go through this emotional process and I wanted to see what is the cause for such cold hearted behavor, so I created a short film that deals with these issues in addition I criticize religion on how it does or does not fit in a person's life under these circumstances. The twist here is she takes her own life to the end of the road (meaning she commits suicide), hence the title "The End" so she is not insaulting anyone else who is dead except herself and this was my way of experimenting with this theme.


It was very challenging to shoot this short for me because it's such an interesting theme (for me atleast) that is very detailed as everything presented on screen symbolizes something and requires a conpetant reader to decypher the allegorical messages in the image and with such a compressed TRT of 2minutes I was going crazy hahah!!!


Here are some snapshots of the shoot (some of the shots you will see is from one of the crew member's camcorder who was filming the making of the short - I will also post more images tomorrow when my DP puts the images of the film shoot on a cd for me) - the shoot took around 8-9 hours but it was actually alot of fun and at the same time very stressfull - but hey that's the beauty of filmmaking ;)









Snapshots from Camcorder willing filming - also this was my way of critcizing religion, my character walks towards the fireplace (FIRE = HELL) with a roserie wrapper around her fingers. This was my way of creating a connection between Heaven & Hell (God & Satan) - (GOOD & BAD) (Death & Life), the way I set up that shot was with a 75mm focus on the Cross while dollying to the fireplace which was out of focus (or soft focus) in the background... it was a very hard shot as her hand kept moving out the frame and the fireplace so I was holding her hand!!! I did alot of close up shots as I like to get intimate with my characters and I like to invate their privacy to create that clausterphobic mood to help my actors play the proper role of the character.








Thanks again for the help & I'll be posting the short when it's finished.

my best,

Joey Dee


Here are the rest of the pics - I didnt know I was limited to 10 images per post, but now I know ;)






my best,

Joey Dee

Edited by Joey Dee
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  • 2 weeks later...

Here are a few extra snaps of the production









Also I just got my film stock processed and I started today the edit in FCP and I think I'm doing a good job in terms of color correction - I wanted my character to be very pale/cold and so on and her husband very warm colors. So here are the original & color corrected. Ohh I also made it 16:9 from it's original pull down, 2:3:3:2 - What you you guys think, it looks nice or should of kept it to it's original 4:3? Click to Enlarge the image.





My best,


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I see you dont have the 75mm macro (you put a picture of one from the bolex website saying that was then lens you had) ...

Hey Nick,


I did use the 10-25-75mm - I was just having the worst luck with the 75mm cause there some macro shots that I just wanted to single out such as only the eyes but I had to be I believe 5 feet away from the subject and it just didn't work out so I settled for macro shots of the face. The lenses that I used were the original lenses for the camera and I do believe they were Yvar-Bolex lenses. It was fun to experiment with the 16mm but I don't think I will shoot on it again - I'll most likely step up a little to the 35mm world :) and learn and learn as much as I can from people like you and others in the business. The more I speak with all you folks on here the more I realize that it's you (the Cinematographers/D.O.Ps) that pretty much hold the film together and it's such a great piece of mind :) - I study Film Theory for the past 4 years and all the hands on stuff I do on the side and you folks are such a great help! Thanks in advance ;)


My best,


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