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High Speed Mags on SR3?

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hi there,

I#ve heared different theories so far about sr3 high speed mags on a "normal" sr3 and vice versa...

so is it possible to use the high speed mags an the normal sr3 and vice versa or only high speed mags on the normal sr3 and normal mags on the high speed sr3 up to 75fps?

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Using different mags also can make the camera louder.


IIRC, one feature I was working on had an SR3 as the A-cam and an SR3 HS as the B-cam, but the mags were used interchangably (despite my voiced concerns). We got rushes most days, and never had any focus issues, so I suppose that it can work. Ironically, we didn't really use the HS for high-speed work much if at all - there was a misconception that its low speeds also stretched beyond the SR3. In the end there was no need for it to be HS, as we'd have use an intervalometer either way.


I'd ask the rental house about the mag issue, just in case. After all, they know their equipment best, and you never know if they've modified it in small ways that can affect these things. As mentioned above, the FFD is different between the cameras, so in theory it should make a big difference, but on the other hand, I imagine it wouldn't be difficult for a rental house to modify their HS cameras to have the same FFD as the regular ones, which would be a logical thing to do.

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Normally you would have focus problems when interchanging normal SR3 mags and HS mags. However the mags can be modified to eliminate this problem. I have talked to a rental house about this issue and was told that all their magazines have been made interchangeable so I wouldn't have to worry.

So just ask your rental house if their mags are interchangeable.

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